|| Chapter 10 ||

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The prince sighed,feeling bored. Somehow,he was able to finish a really thick book that was supposedly to last him a few days.

"What now?"Philip wondered,curling up and sighing.

He looked around. Philip placed the book on the mattress and slipped out of bed. He decided to walk around for a bit and maybe even find something to do.

Somewhere in a hallway,Philip roamed as his eyes gazed all around the finely decorated corridor. The curtains,paintings and furniture gave it this fancy vibe.

But Philip halted when he heard something. Footsteps?He listened carefully as it got louder and louder. Philip walked slowly,trying to get closer to where the sound came from.

In the hallway,there came a spot where it separated. He could either keep walking straight forward,or he could take a turn to a hallway on the left.

Philip picked up the pace and decided to take the turn. But before he could enter the hallway,someone bumped into him.

"Oh!Amanda,it's you-"Philip said.

"Your Highness,please listen!"Amanda suddenly told.

"What?...Amanda,you...you can talk."Philip mumbled.

"Please,listen carefully. I can only say this ONCE."Amanda whispered.

She peeked into the other hallway,then pulled Philip into another room where they can be alone. Slowly,Amanda closed the door so it won't make a sound.

"Your Highness,in your bedroom,there's a bookshelf."Amanda started."Look for a diamond symbol on the books. Grab those and look for a note. It'll explain everything."

"What?Amanda?"Philip murmured as he watched the maid kneel down and open a latch.

She pushed open a trapdoor on the wall and a small tunnel appeared. Amanda motioned to Philip to come closer,and he did.

"Crawl into here. It's a passage way I found when I was cleaning."Amanda said."Keep crawling straight. Once you see a blue arrow,follow it. It'll lead you to your room."

"Hold on. Amanda,what's going on?"Philip asked,feeling panicked.

"I'm sorry,Your Highness. I'm sorry for everything. But there's no time to explain."Amanda softly said."Please,hurry."

"B-But I..."Philip trailed off.

He looked at the tunnel and hesitantly crawled in. After he slid his whole body into the passageway,Amanda pushed the trapdoor closed.

Before she shut the door,she placed her index finger on her lips and shushed Philip,signalling him to keep quiet.

After that,the trapdoor closed,and it was dark in the tunnel. The only light that lit the tunnel was from one of the pearls hanging from Philip's necklace.

Following Amanda's instructions,Philip crawled through the passageway for a few mimutes. Finally,he found a blue arrow painted on the wall.

He turned left,which wasn't as easy as it looked. After crawling for a few more minutes,he came to a dead end.

"What?Wait,where am I supposed to go now?"Philip thought,looking back.

Philip went closer and realized it wasn't a wall. The walls of the tunnel were made of wood. The prince went closer. He tried to push this "wall",but failed.

Philip tried to push it by using his shoulder,making him slide to the side. That's when the "wall" started to sway sideways,and Philip finally understood.

Philip moved the "wall" to the side and an opening appeared. He squeazed through the gap and fell out into a room. HIS room.

The prince got up,groaning. He looked back from where he came from. A painting of a waterfall blocked the tunnel,hiding it completely.

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