|| Chapter 11 ||

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It's been a while since the incident. Philip held the letter Amanda had written for him. He sighed,still unsure of what's gonna happen.

Elena accompanied him. She looked at Philip with concern. The prince was trying to recover from his illness,and stress wasn't needed for that.

The doctor tried to cheer him up. She spoke words of encouragement to him,she tried to get him to read a story,and even offered some food for him. But not even that could cheer him up.

The male sat there,doing nothing but overthinking about the whole situation. A sad expression was always on his face.

After being in that state for a while,Elena decided to call Russia and told him about it.

And with that,Russia visited Philip. When he stepped in,the prince perked up. The very presence of Russia seemed to make progress of cheering Philip up.

"Hey...How are you doing?"Russia asked.

"Mm...Not sure. Is...Is Sandra safe?"Philip replied.

"Don't worry,she is."Russia reassured.

"That's good to hear...And Amanda's killer?"Philip added.

Russia's face turned serious. He didn't really like it when people talk about Amanda's death,ESPECIALLY near Philip.

But one look at Philip's pleading face was enough to convince him to tell him.

Plus,if one of Philip's questions were given an answer,it would take off some weight off his shoulders.

"The investigation's still ongoing."Russia told."We're still taking alibis from everyone."

"Any guesses of who it was?"Philip asked.

"No...Not yet..."Russia answered.

Philip let out a whine of disappointment and pouted. Russia was getting more nervous every second. He thought back of all the things Philip had experience.

First,he was out in the cold in a blizzard. Second,he got captured by hunters. Third,he got sick from poison,and now,Amanda's death had shaken him up.

"What if I get caught?"Philip suddenly asked,catching Russia off guard.

"What do you mean?"Russia asked.

"What if the murderer gets ME?Am I still safe?"Philip questioned.

"I'm...not sure."Russia muttered."But..I'll keep you safe."

"What if I get killed?"Philip asked.

"You're not. I won't let them."Russia vowed,holding Philip's hand tighter.

He was determined to keep that promise. Ever since he met Philip,he made it his duty to take care of the prince. And he'll keep doing that.

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Russia walked out the room. Philip was reading a book,finally,after many attempts. The emperor felt lighter this time compared to what he felt when he arrived at the room.

He was just glad Philip was willing to do something to distract himself from what happened with one of his friends.

Russia walked through the hallway with a serious expression. He needed to find out who killed one of his maids. Just then,Matthew came along.

"Ah,Matthew...Any news?"Russia asked.

"Yes,Your Majesty. We've found something."Matthew said in a mysterious tone."Please,follow me."

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Philip has been reading a book all afternoon. He seemed to enjoy himself,but it held back by the fact that Amanda's killer could be anywhere.

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