|| Chapter 6 ||

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Philip was reading a book in his bedroom. It was a quiet afternoon. The prince wanted to hang out with Wanda,but she was busy at the moment.

"'I love you,too.'"Philip read."Finally!He said it."

Philip was so engrossed with the book that he didn't hear the knock on the door. Eventually,the door opened and Russia peeked in.

"Oh,I'm sorry. Did I disturb you?"Russia said when he saw Philip.

"Hm?It's nothing,don't worry."Philip reassured,sitting up on his bed.

"I just came to check on you. Are you feeling alright?"Russia asked.

"Mm-hm!"Philip nodded.

"I see you've found a way to entertain yourself."Russia said,sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah!Have you read this before?"Philip replied,holding the book in his hands.

"I see you've found a history book about your country."Russia said."No,I haven't read it yet."

"It's a pretty good book. You should check it out sometime."Philip told.

Philip opened the book. Philip gasped when he found out that he opened it at the page he left off earlier. He giggled quietly.

Russia looked over Philip's shoulder to see what was on the page. It had the picture of a man kneeling down on his knee,and infront of him was a woman who was bigger in size.

"Akmah and Marra..."Russia read."Those two again,huh?"

"They're important figures in our country."Philip explained.

Philip read the history book to Russia,who was very much interested in learning more about Maharlika. It was nice sharing the background of Philip's home to someone. It made him feel proud that someone found it interesting.

Russia had to leave,sadly. As an emperor,he had duties and responsibility to attend to,and he didn't really have a choice.

So Philip was left alone with his book. Just then,an idea struck. Reading about his home country made him remember his family,and maybe he could send a letter to their kingdom.

"But kuya Martial won't get a letter."Philip suddenly thought."And I can't send him a letter if I don't know where he is."

You see,in Philip's country,when the queen and king has more than one kid,the oldest will have to stay in the kingdom to rule it while the younger ones set out into the world to finish their journey and find a place where they can live in once they turn 18.

Ever since Philip had left for his journey,he haven't had the chance to get in contact with them since he was always on the run.

"Oh,well...Kuya Martial,forgive me,but you won't be receiving a letter from me."Philip murmured.

With that,Philip started to write to his family. He made sure to not tell or give any hints of his location to ensure his safety from certain people.

"Hmm...Let's see...Dear family..."Philip thought for a while.

The prince tapped his pen on the table a few times before proceeding to write his letter. After that,he folded the paper and put it inside an envelope.

And with the help of Matthew,the butler,Philip sent his letter to Maharlika. He went back to his room,feeling happy that he sent that letter. He knew his parents would be pleased to know that he was doing alright...Currently,at least.

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After a long day,Philip flopped down on his bed,feeling tired. But he couldn't fall asleep,no matter how hard he tried or how tired he was.

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