|| Chapter 14 ||

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Russia was taking his stroll when he spotted a familiar figure sitting under a tree. He was wearing white clothes and his bare feet touched the grass underneath him.

The sunlight shone on his beautiful fluffy hair,creating an illusion that his hair glittered. His eyes gleamed under the light.

"Russia!"he exclaimed happily when he saw the emperor

"Hello,Philip. How are you doing?"Russia asked,sitting down beside the male.

"I'm fine. Elena said I'm recovering smoothly."the prince told.

"That's good to hear."Russia sighed."You're not tiring yourself too much,are you?"

"Don't worry. I've been extra careful!"Philip proclaimed.

Russia hummed as he smiled at Philip. The prince went back to making a flower crown that Russia didn't notice at first.

Russia's eyes fell on Philip's leg,which was bandaged up. He remembered how Elena told him that it was the only major injury Philip had gotten.

"How's that wound?"Russia asked,not taking his eyes off of the patched up part of Philip's leg.

"It hurts a little when I move it too much. So I try not to strain it."Philip said.

Philip moved his leg a bit to show how much it's healed. Then he went back to making his flower crown. Russia watched as he tied flowers together.

"Russia...What happened to Jane?"Philip asked.

"She's banned from stepping foot of this kingdom."Russia replied casually.

"What?"Philip muttered,looking up."What's gonna happen to her?"

"Don't worry,she'll be alright."Russia reassured Philip."There's no need to worry."

"Why is that?"Philip asked.

"Jane knows where to go."Russia said.

"So...Where IS she?"Philip questioned.

"Back where she came from. She's safe."Russia told.

Philip fiddled with a flower,then poked it in on the flower crown. He turned towards Russia and placed the flower crown on his hair.

The prince giggled when a few strands of hair fell from its place and stopped on the forehead of Russia.

"Thank you."Russia said,chuckled.

"I wish it could stay this way."Philip whispered,smiling sadly.

"What do you mean?"Russia asked.

"I'm planning to leave after my wounds heal."Philip informed."I'll just cause trouble in this place if I stay."

"What?That's not true..."Russia softly said.

"Even so,I need to keep running. I can't stay in one place."Philip told.

"Why not?You're safe here."Russia pointed out.

"Really?..."Philip mumbled jokingly.

The prince found it funny for Russia to say he's safe after being attacked. Philip just leaned back on the tree and sighed. He WISHED he was safe.

"I still need to find a home though."Philip continued.

"You can stay here,if you'd like."Russia suggested.

"Stay here?"Philip muttered.

"That's right. I know what's happened lately isn't safe,but you can stay here with me."Russia responded.

"Am I really safe here?"Philip murmured.

"It's not certain that there won't be any danger in here."Russia held Philip's hand."But I'll keep you safe."

"Really?..."Philip gasped,his eyes started to shine.

"Yeah...If you need me,just call my name. And I'll come."Russia told.

Philip felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn't help but smile. It's been a long time since Philip had someone protecting him,and he'll admit that it feels nice.

"Thank you..."Philip managed to say."Thank you."


Hello, I decided to finally end the story.^^
I'm kinda losing my motivation on this one :(, but I got to finish it at least. I was planning for more chapters, but it takes too long for me to update. So this is The End for "My Royal Haven".

Thank you for reading and sticking around. I'm planning on making another book, and hopefully, I won't lose my motivation on it, too.

Bye for now

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