|| Chapter 3 ||

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It's been at least 2 month since Philip arrived at the palace. He was a little cautious at first,but started to calm down day by day. But he still had his guard up.

Philip even made friends with the butler,Matthew. He seemed to get along with everyone,even Rose the maid,and she gets a little cold with people.

Today,Philip was hanging out in the garden,where he spends most of his day. One of the maids,who was the same maid who brought Russia the chamomile tea that one night,approached Philip.

"Hello,Sir."the maid greeted.

"Oh...Hello,Sandra!"Philip greeted back,smiling.

"I was wondering if you'd like to explore the city."Sandra told.

"The city?Am I allowed to?"Philip asked,perking up.

"Yes,of course. But you'll need someone to come with."Sandra explained.

"Oh. Well,in that case,do YOU wanna come with me?"Philip said.

"It would be an honor."Sandra replied,bowing her head.

Philip let out a "yay" and raised his arms in joy. He never really explored the city before since he'd always stay within the palace grounds.

But now,Philip could get a closer look at all the houses and buildings and establishments in the city,and not just the roofs from the view of his room.

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Before Philip left for the city,Sandra led him somewhere in the garden. After walking for a while,Philip spotted four other maids.

"Sir,these four are my friends."Sandra introduced."Those two are the twins,Mae and Maya. They were assasins back then,so you'll be protected."

"A pleasure to meet you,Your Highness."the two greeted at the same time.

"This is Jane. Her husband was a royal guard before he died in battle."Sandra said,pointing to a brunette.

"Oh,I'm sorry to hear about your husband."Philip apologized,bowing down a little.

"It's alright,Your Highness. It's very nice to meet you."Jane said,bowing down.

"And lastly,Amanda. She's been my friend since my childhood."Sandra told."But she's mute."

"Hello."Philip softly greeted,earning a wave and a bow from Amanda.

"Now that I've introduced them,we're free to explore the city."Sandra said,smiling.

Philip beamed. The six of them finally went to the city. Two guards accompanied them. In the town square,civilians passed by and went on with their day.

All around were shops,stores,and other things. But what caught Philip's eye was this book store. A wooden sign with white paint as design hung over the entrance.

"What's that place?"Philip asked,pointing at the building.

"It's an old bookstore. It's been there even when His Majesty's father was still a child."Jane told.

"Bookstore?Can we go check it out?"Philip asked,looking like an excited child.

"As you wish,Your Highness."the maids said.

They walked in. Philip twirled around,admiring the towering shelves that were filled with books. An old man sat behind a desk,holding a book.

"Oh!Customers!"the old man chirped,clasping his hands.

"Hi!"Philip greeted timidly,but still full with energy.

"Hmm...It's my first time seeing yer face. Are ya new here?"the old man asked with his accent.

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