|| Chapter 8 ||

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Philip felt a little tired when he woke up. A lot more tired than he should be. It was still dark out,but it was already morning.

The prince was about to go back to sleep when he heard the sound of flapping. He sat up and looked at the balcony. A raven. Philip forced himself to stand up.

Philip walked to the balcony's door and opened it. The black bird was on the railing. The same bird,perhaps,that brought Philip the note some time ago.

It was the same. A chrysanthemum and a note with the number 38 and Sandra's name under it. The words "Have a great day." was written on the back.

Philip smiled weakly. He trudged back to bed,feeling like all his energy had been drained out of him. He flopped down on the mattress.

Philip let out a sigh. He wasn't feeling good at the moment,but tried to ignore it. Just then,a knock came and Rose poked her head inside.

"His Majesty asked if you'd like to join him for breakfast."Rose announced.

"I'd love to!"Philip exclaimed with a hoarse voice.

"Are you alright,Your Highness?"Rose asked as Philip cleared his throat.

"Uh,ehem!Yep!I'm fine."Philip replied."I'll be down in a moment."

And Rose left,still a little skeptical. Philip got ready for the day. After putting his clothes on,he walked all the way to the dining room where Russia was waiting.

"There you are."Russia said with a smile."Hurry up,your food's getting cold."

"Russia must feel better now."Philip thought.

He was right. Russia felt relaxed now that the duke was gone. Philip sat down and started eating. But he was eating slowly. He took a bite of his meal every minute and chewed slowly.

"Is something wrong?Do you not like it?"Russia asked.

"No,no,of course not. It's delicious."Philip said.

"Then why do you seem so unwilling to eat?"Russia questioned.

"I just don't have the energy to eat right now."Philip excused,putting his fork down.

"Do you want me to help you?"Russia offered.

"Help me?Help me how?"Philip said,raising a brow.

"I'll feed you."Russia told,catching Philip's attention.

"F-Feed me?..."Philip stammered.

"Mm-hmm...Maybe you're just tired and actually hungry."Russia guessed.

Philip looked at the spoon with a flushed face. He kept looking back and forth at the spoon and to Russia's face. Slowly,and hesitantly,Philip agreed.

Russia grabbed Philip's fork and got a piece of his breakfast. He placed the fork infront of Philip's mouth,waiting for the prince to open up.

The prince once again hesitated. He peered down at the fork and opened his mouth. His face turned red when he ate his food.

And if it wasn't embarrassing enough for Russia to feed him,the servants in the room were watching them. It was quite odd for them to see their mighty emperor gently feed a prince like a baby.

Finally,Philip's plate was empty. Despite the embarrassment he had to go through,he felt relaxed now. A good breakfast always cheered him up.

Philip excused himself. Even though he felt great after eating,he still felt like he had no energy at all,which was funny. Still,he tried to act fine.

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