|| Explanation ||

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Maids' Backstories and Explanations

Sandra was born into a rich family. Her mother cared for her,and her father promised her a big inheritance when she was older. Because of this,Sandra felt lucky.

Until one day,Sandra's father brought home a mistress. She was shocked. Sandra never thought her father would do this.

Eventually,Sandra's father married the mistress and had a child with her. A girl. Amanda. Sandra's mother treated Amanda like her very own daughter,even though she wasn't.

But unfortunately,Sandra had grown to HATE her father for bringing home another woman. She despised him and Amanda's mother,but not Amanda.

Sandra didn't pay much attention to her half-sister,but Amanda loved her. She looked up to Sandra even if they didn't have the same mother.

But anytime Amanda calls Sandra her sister,Sandra hits her and tells her to call her something else. So they settled on calling each other "friends".

Years later,Sandra's mother found out that her husband CHEATED,not only on her,but his mistress,too.

She also found out that the woman her husband cheated with was pregnant with a BOY. Because of this,Sandra's father planned make his son his heir.

That meant that he didn't need Sandra and Amanda anymore. So he wanted to kill them.

Sandra's mother went to her daughters and warned them about it. Then,she planned to help them escape. She helped them sneak out and run away.

Soon,Sandra's father found out about the whole thing and hired assasins to hunt them down.

Sandra and Amanda fled into a faraway kingdom. There,they met Jane.

Jane was a duke's daughter who was put into an arranged marriage with the kingdom's prince. Unfortunately,the prince became very abusive to Jane.

Jane suffered from physical and verbal abuse everyday,and felt like she was gonna go insane. But one day,she met a hunter.

Both of them loved each other and got married secretly. Jane's father,though,found out and sent his guards to KILL the hunter and capture his daughter.

Jane and her husband knew about it in no time. So the hunter decided to distract the guards and let Jane escape. That's when she bumped into Sandra and Amanda.

Jane BEGGED Sandra to help her and take her along. Sandra agreed,in one condition:to be loyal to her and follow her orders. And Jane agreed.

Soon,the three ran away to a kingdom far,far away from where Jane came from. One night,while staying at an inn,Jane told Sandra about the Pearl of Life.

She also told her about a boy who consumed one,therefor having the Pearl as a part of his soul. It was said that if you killed the person with the Pearl,the Pearl was yours.

So Sandra made it her mission to get that Pearl. The three resided to a nearby kingdom. Russia's kingdom. They got to work as maids there.

Sandra planned to wait. She heard from Jane that the boy with the Pearl was protected,but will leave his home for a journey once he turned 18.

When Sandra saw Philip at the palace in Chapter 2,she recognized him. He was the one who consumed the Pearl of Life.

She told Amanda and Jane about it. So she planned to capture him,but had to gain his trust first.

On Chapter 3,Philip's kidnap was actually planned by Sandra. The commotion that Philip created with the fraud of the gems made it easy for the hunters to capture him.

The two hunters that captured him worked for Sandra at that time.

Hints on What was About to Come to Philip:

On Chapter 5,a raven appeared on Philip's balcony with a chrysanthemum and a note with the number 38 and Sandra's name on it.

Philip assumed it was from Sandra,but it was actually from Amanda.

The raven is a bird associated with death,so Amanda tried to tell Philip his death would be nearing. The chrysanthemum is viewed as a symbol of death in many countries in Europe (according to Google),and Amanda sent it to Philip.

Also,I googled what number means danger,and it was 38,so yeah. :)

Chapter 5. When Philip was in the library,the bookmark he found was also Amanda's doing. The black color indicates death,and it was placed on page 38.
The letters D-S on it stands for Danger-Sandra.

On Chapter 7,Sandra drugged Philip's tea that resulted to him being sick. Sandra was planning to attack Philip while he was vulnerable,but Amanda got in the way,and therefor,she died.

Did I already mention why Amanda was pretending to be mute? Sandra didn't trust her half-sister to keep quiet,so she lied to everyone at the palace that she was mute. And if Amanda spoke,Sandra would kill her.

Also,the story Sandra told about Jane's husband was false. Jane disliked talking about her past,and because of that,she tried to not talk about it. Although,she made up the story of how her husband was a royal guard because he was the one who protected her,and Jane assumed he was dead.

And more info...

What is the Pearl of Life:

A special kind of pearl that has the ability to give someone who is at the brink of death or is already dead a second life. The second life thing won't work if the consumer is still alive.
The pearl can also give extra strength and speed,but not much. It can also give someone the ability to give birth.

Pearls of life are used to bring someone back to life or to feed it to a woman who wants a child but is unable to do so. But if someone ate the pearl to get pregnant,they can only give birth once.

When a pearl of life is consumed,the one who consumed it will sleep for 3 days for them to be able to digest the pearl. Once they wake up,the pearl has already dissolved in their body and is now a part of their soul.

When Philip was born,he was very feeble and weak compared to his family. When he was 3,he caught a disease that was uncurable. To heal Philip,his father ventured out and brought back a pearl of life.

The Journey:

In Philip's country(in this AU),there's a tradition where a person has to go through a quest to collect items to create a necklace. The necklace would symbolize their determination,devotion and love for their country.

In the Maharlikan history,Akmah was a human who worked as a farmer. One day,a goddess named Marra came to visit his land. Akmah fell inlove with the goddess and asked her to marry him.
Marra was unsure,and she wanted to know if he was worth marrying. So as a test,Marra sent Akmah to the outside world to collect special items and make a necklace out of them to give to the goddess as a gift.

Marra made a map for Akmah using his blood to find the items. And after 6 months,he accomplished his task and gave the necklace to Marra. The two got married and had a son.

When a baby is born in Maharlika,the elders gently take a few drops of their blood. Then they'll pour it into a pot full of special water and dip a big sheet of paper.

Within 18 years,the blood will stick to certain places on the paper and create map. The map had a drawing of the world and a line to lead the follower where to go.

In Maharlika,when commoners leave for their journey,they can choose whether to go back home or find a new one. But for Royals,they can't choose.

The heir to the throne must return to their kingdom and rule it. If the king and queen has more than one child,the oldest has to come back to the kingdom,and the younger ones has to find a new home in the outside world.


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