03I| Rupi-Imlie SS: The Unveiling

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"It's not needed Rupi Didi. I've left the past behind. I-I'm happy now"

"I'm not saying you haven't Imlie. But this is required! You've become immune due to all the pain you've  borne all along but that doesn't mean those scars aren't there. That doesn't mean those wounds aren't there. The pain you push in each night, which you don't voice out, let out because you feel they don't need to be voiced out, in reality has to be let out! You feel they'll heal with time don't you? Even I had felt the same. I had pushed in everything within me and after sometime, it felt like I had succeeded in overcoming all of it. It was only during that Valentine's Day that I realised how my wounds had never healed. They had just deepened over time! Had you not stopped me from giving up on life that day, I wouldn't have realised just to what extent whatever had happened with me had affected me. After that day, I sought for this and now am much better. I owe you my life Imlie. In return, if I can do something for you, whom I have considered my sister from heart, it'd be........(wipes tears) Nobody can understand how important this is for the better than me and trust me Imlie, you won't regret it. You've carried it within all your life. Just let it go now! Bahut seh liya. Aaj chod do iss dard ka daaman!" Rupali said emotionally.

Tears flowed down her eyes even as she hugged Rupali. Rupi caressed her hairs affectionately. This had been on her mind since that night and after a long thought and connecting all the dots, she had realised this had to be done. Imlie wasn't her sister for namesake. Rupi genuinely loved Imlie and she had resolved she'd help heal her little sister. Her little butterfly had withstood every damn storm and challenge, every pain, every hurt, every insult thrown her way but she had also masked her hurt, covered her scars, those which should have been healed. Which is why Rupi had decided she'd heal her little butterfly, her little sister! 

Hello all,

So the title and whether this one's an OS is all tentative because I haven't written it yet. I'm updating the teaser now. Shall update the story after sometime because am held up this weekend. Wanted to publish this once I was done with the story but couldn't wait till then. Do share your views.


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