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I wake up in my room the doors to America's room are closed but I know better she must be in the hospital.
I run through the halls until I arrive at the hospital wing.
"AMERICA! AMERICA!" I shout her name all the nurses look at me funny.
"Where is my wife?" I ask the nearest nurse.
"She is in surgery your Majesty" she replies.
I rush to the surgery doors but before I can go inside the doors Doctor Ava walks out.
"Your Majesty I'm sorry we couldn't save her" she says sadly.
I couldn't process the information.
"No no she's fine she is perfectly fine America is going to wake up and be perfectly fine she has to be I can't live without her!" I shout as I slowly sink to the floor I sit against the wall with my knees to my chest and cry.
I hear a nurse come out of the surgery room and call Doctor Ava back.
I have no one now no wife, no child, no mother, no father. I have to tell America's family that there precious daughter is dead, I cry more and I hear nurses whispering and sniffling. I realize I won't be the only one who misses her. But before I can finish my though Doctor Ava comes out again,
"Your Majesty" she says touching my shoulder,
"Seems our America is stronger than we thought, both America and the baby are going to be fine" she explains
"What" I say shocked
"Well we thought the Queen was dead because her heart stopped but when you were standing outside the doors and I was talking to you the nurses said that her heart started beating again." she says confused herself.
"You will be able to see her soon" she tells me going back into the surgery room.
I sit by America's bed, she was shot in her chest, the wound wasn't to bad but it had hit a major artery and that was what killed her or almost did actually.
She turns over to face me,
"America" I whisper
"Maxon?" She asks
"Yes darling I am here" I say
"What, what happened" she says blinking a couple of times.
"You were shot and you almost died but you fought through it, that my girl" I say kissing her lightly on the forehead.
"Great now I have two matching bullet wounds" she says chuckling.
"America I'm sorry it was my fault I should have moved you out of the way" I say leaning down touching my forehead to hers.
"Maxon you and I both know how big of a risk that could have been" she says
"I know but when the Doctor told me you were dead I couldn't" I have to stop to keep the tears in my eyes from falling. "Without you America I wouldn't have anything to live for without you this kingdom would fall apart" I continue.
"Not if you were running it, you would help the kingdom get through it Maxon" she says trying to comfort me.
"But who would get me through it" I say and I can't stop the tears this time.
I start crying silently, America sees my tears and she kisses me its a soft gentle kiss but it was all I needed.
"Even when you are the one who got shot, you are still taking care of me" I say chuckling.
After a while America falls back asleep and Doctor Ava comes in to check her and the baby's vital signs.
"Your Majesty you and the Queen both need your rest, her to get better and you to run the country I suggest you go back to your room and go to bed" she says leaving America's room.
I decide to take her advice even though I would rather stay here I need to make a speech and explain what happened to America. I walk slowly through the halls back to my room, when I get inside I close the doors and collapse in my bed and fall asleep knowing America is okay.

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