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My heart is beating so fast I feel like everyone around me can hear it, I admit this is a good plan but I am really nervous.
"America are you all right?" I hear Georgia ask me, her and August got married last year they come around every once and a while to visit us. They've helped a lot with our soldiers fighting techniques, and now there both here again risking their lives to help us.
"Ya, yes I'm fine." I say putting a smile on my face.
I see Maxon looking at me while he is discussing details with Aspen and August he sees right through my smile.
"Well then is everyone one ready to go then" Aspen says.
We're only taking 5 guards including Aspen so that we can defend ourselves and not stand out to much, and then just Maxon, August, Georgia, a few of their guards, and me.
We all start walking to the truck that will take us near the rebel location, Maxon sneaks beside me and takes my hand,
"We'll be okay we're always okay" he says.
"Ya I know" I says smiling. 

We drive for a couple of hours and dusk turns to night I stare up at the stars and I start thinking of my dad, is this what he would want me to do? Or would he want me to stay and take care of mom and the family? These are the moments I wish he could be here to help me and tell me what to do.

The truck stops suddenly it's pitch black outside we only see the faint glow of the town lights where the rebels are hiding. We travel quickly but quietly through the sleeping town,
"Stop everyone be quiet," Aspen says.
We all stop Aspen peeks his head around the corner when he looks back at us he looks confused.
"I see rebels but there not carrying guns their carrying, needles." He says.
Everyone looks bewildered.
"What that doesn't make sense." I say.
I hear movement behind me and a hand closes over my arm.
"I got e'm" I hear someone shouting.
Suddenly were surrounded by rebels, I hear Georgia curse as her and August get pulled off. The rest of us are taken into a building, we walk down what feels like an endless corridor until we reach a door. They open it and shove Maxon, Aspen, and I in and take the rest of the guards further down. Aspen shouts kicking and thrashing so does Maxon they struggle to get free I don't because all I can think about 'is that this is all my fault and everyone is going to die because of me'. My whole body is numb, I close my eyes and see my mom sitting in a chair reading a book in her rocking chair, I see May in her room looking at teen magazines looking at the latest trends, I see Kota making dinner for Astra and Leo as they sit at the table talking happily. I see Marlee holding little Kile as she and Carter talk. All my friends and family I imagine them doing these things while I am being dragged away probably to my death none of them knowing what's happening to me and Maxon they don't see Maxon struggling against a firm grasp of a rebel they don't hear Aspen screaming for Lucy. And they don't see me thinking of them because they will probably never see us again. Finally I close my eyes and see my precious Jacob being put to bed by maid, he'll never have siblings he'll be raised by my family and Stravos will teach him everything Maxon should, then I realize this is my fault yes but I can stop this,
I step as hard as I can on my guards foot and he yells in pain letting go of me. Maxon and Aspen follow my actions and we all run out into the hallway the guards we were travelling with have escaped to and they all meet us in the hallway.
"Okay we need to run out of here as fast as we can now anyone remember  the way out?" Aspen asks.
"Me" a guard shouts.
"Lead the way Cane" Aspen shouts.
Maxon grabs my hand and squeezes it I look at him and he looks at me and we run.

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