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Five Years Later:
The warm summer breeze caresses my arm as I walk up the hill with Maxon hand in hand.
"Look at me mommy" 
Jacob says as he runs ahead of us summer saluting all the way up the hill.
"Jacob," Maxon sighs.
"Your brand new white shirt is going to be full of grass stains"
I giggle. Maxon gives me a side glance. 
"What?" He asks shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh. Nothing it's just you sound like a old house wife" this remark makes Jacob burst out laughing.
"Your right mommy he just needs an apron and his hair needs to be covered in flour"
Me and Jacob start laughing hysterically, Maxon with a frown on his face looks back and forth between us and then he starts laughing to. 
We finally reach the top of the hill it's breath taking, the green grass looks soft to the touch, the sky is blue and right near our picnic spot is a beautiful crystal clear pond. Maxon sets a blanket down and I put the picnic basket I'm holding on top of the blanket.
"Jacob" Maxon and I both call out.
Jacob just reaches the top of the hill panting,
"That's enough summer saluting for today huh buddy?" Maxon says ruffling Jacobs hair.
Jacob attempts to fix his hair while plopping down on the blanket next to me.
"Well maybe some ice cream will cheer him up, what do you think Maxon"
At the word ice cream Jacob immediately perks up.
"We have ice cream,"
"Yes, let's hope it didn't all melt" I say reaching into the picnic basket.
"Well darling, I think we might have to eat it now it is getting pretty hot" Maxon says, winking at me over Jacobs head.
I gasp, attempting to hold in my laughter,
"Before lunch? B-But that might ruin Jacobs appetite" I say shaking my head.
"Please mommy, I will eat anything if we eat the ice cream first" Jacob begs me while pulling my dress.
I sigh,
"Alright but you have to eat everything" I say pointing my finger at him.
"Yes mommy"
As Jacob digs into his ice cream Maxon and I share a glance.
After we eat lunch Jacob goes to play near the pond, Maxon and I watch him.
"Thank you"
I whisper to him as I stroke his hair as his head is in my lap.
"For what?" He asks.
"For not giving up on me"
"What? During the selection, oh darling the other girls never stood a chance I always believed it was you" he says lifting his hand up to touch my cheek.
"No I don't mean the selection, I mean when I had amnesia. A lot of husbands with your job would have left the nurses to care for me and get my memory back" I say
"Well a lot of husbands and wives don't share the love we do" he says sitting up, he places his hands gently on my cheeks and he kisses me, it's a kiss like no other filled with our story, regret, anger, sadness, and mostly love, happiness, and finally loyalty and trust.
I hear a giggle near by, Maxon and I both smile.
I turn my head to see Jacob standing in front of us,
"What's so funny?" Maxon asks
"You guys" Jacob says jumping onto Maxons lap.
He then starts telling us everything that he found at the pond, I look up to Maxon's face, he's looking down at Jacob with genuine interest. He glances up to find me staring, he reaches up to his ear and gives it a gentle tug, I smile and do the same.

Well this didn't take long at all. Sorry guys I had exams and stuff , but this story was so much fun to write and now it's all over *sniff* *sniff* lol. You guys r probably sick of my writing habits anyways.
Well I had a blast and thanks so much for 36k WOW omg that's amazing. And thanks for the encouraging comments love you guys so much.
Also I'm going to be writing a Dramoine fanfic so keeps your eyes peeled.
Love ya xxxxx

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