Please Don't Go

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Song: Come to This- Natalie Taylor
Right now I just really love this song and if u listen to the lyrics it really reminds me of what's happening in the story right now.

Maxon POV
I sit the the waiting room desperately waiting for any news on America, every time I see a nurse leaving a room my hopes lift but they never come for me. I sit for what feels like hours but the clocks tell me different. Suddenly I feel wrong like I don't belong my heart feels like it's getting crushed, I know something is wrong but not with me. I run to the reception desk, "which room is the queen in?" I ask desperately.
The nurse quickly scans her lists with wide eyes. "R-room 209" she stutters.

I run to this room in hopes of finding my queen happily sitting up in bed, she might not have any memories but she is all I have. I open the door to find the doctor screaming orders I tune my ears in for just a second and I hear monitors beeping with red flashes and I hear the doctor shout "her heart has stopped." All the doctors and nurses stop and look at me.

I hear the steady sound of a flatline somewhere around me, my brain starts thinking about what I'm going to do now without a queen, wife, mother of my child. My heart has nearly stopped itself because  America was my soulmate, I chose her and she chose me.

After this realization I hear myself speak, its like I'm watching the scene from outside my body.

"Get out" I say my power as king clearly radiating off the words.

The young nurses immediately leave but the head doctor stays,

"Your Majesty please, don't do anything rash" she places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes, her hand slowly drops and she leaves. When I hear the door shut I rush to America.

"I know you can hear me, you stubborn woman. If you can hear me you better get up right now because I refuse to live the rest of my life without you. Jacob is still here if you can't find it in yourself to live for me live for him."

I still get nothing, I resort to anger.

"AMERICA!!!" I shout it so loud if she really is dead she would have heard it.

"America please come back to me, you can't leave me! I won't let you give up like this." Tears stream down my face and I lean down to kiss her for the final time. But before my lips touch hers the sound of a beep reaches my ears. The sound of footsteps and anxious hospital staff surrounds me, before I know it I am being pushed out of the way.
I stand in the corner of the room just listening to those beautiful beeps on the machine.

2 Hours Later
Someone touches my shoulder.
"Your Highness?"
I open my tired eyes to find a young nurse standing in front of me, she looks nervous as if she was forced to wake me from my sleep.
I say struggling to stand up, the young nurse offers her hand but I wave it away and use the wall I was just sleeping on as my support. I try to remember what happened before i fell asleep and I remember America being alive. I can't help to let my thoughts wander, what if it was a dream what if she isn't alive.
I grasp the young nurses shoulder easily startling her.
"Tell me it wasn't a dream tell me my wife is alive" I say digging my nails into her uniform. She doesn't seem to mind.
"Your Highness it's fine, I wasn't a dream your wife is alive." She says southing my thoughts.
I start to breathe again.
"Good when can I see her" I say retrieving my hand from her uniform which now is crinkled.
"Well there has been a few... complications with her recovery" she says hesitantly.
"What do you mean" I say my voice on edge and my thoughts wandering again.
"Well-" she starts but some lunatic patient from down the hall start mouthing off at the nurses. It takes me a minute to register what the voice is saying but I finally catch it.
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY HUSBAND" my eyes widen at first my brain processing so many things at once; she remembers me, she's alive, she's okay. I can hardly contain my excitement so I tap the nurse on the shoulder and run down the hallway as fast as I can.
I burst through the doors to find America sitting up in bed, her face is as red as a tomato from yelling so much, her hair is a rats nest but this is the most beautiful I have ever seen my wife.
"Maxon?" She says as if I'm not real.
"Yes America it's me" I say the tears start to form in my eyes and I take two giant steps to her bed and finally for what feels like forever embrace my wife.

Wow I bet you were all thinking she was going to die. No worries I'm a sucker for a happy ending, so a epilogue chapter will be coming soon. Again thank you so much for reading this story I love you all so much and none of this could have been possible without every single one of you so thank you. I can't believe I actually got up to 28K that's insane for me guys. See ya later and hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Oh and ps I accidentally pressed publish before I was finished this chapter so just to clear up any confusions

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