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I scream in pain, I squeeze Maxon's hand and hear him wince in pain but still he doesn't let go.
"Your Majesty this is going to sound very horrible but you need to keep it down, if the rebels hear we will all be in danger" Silvia says, looking guilty.
"Alright" I breathe as a get over the last contraction.
"The contractions are getting closer together, the baby will come soon." Mary says looking worried.
"If the attack lasts for much longer America will have to give birth to our child in a safety room?" Maxon says shocked.
"I'm afraid so your majesty" Mary says.
"I feel another contraction coming" I say, this contraction is stronger than the another's were.
"I think the baby is coming!" I shout.
"What" they all say at once.
"Your majesty I helped deliver my sisters baby I think I know how to deliver your baby" Mary says.
She lifts my knees up so that my feet are flat on the cot and my knees are facing the ceiling. She lifts my dress up,
"I see the head of the baby your majesty." She says.
"On the next contraction I want you to push alright." I nod yes.
"Maxon" I whimper
"Yes dear" he says
"What if I the baby dies" I say starting to cry.
"It won't because it's mother is to strong for that to happen." he says planting a kiss on my sweaty forehead. I smile
"Your going to be an amazing father" I say
"I feel a contraction" I say
"Okay your majesty whenever your ready push" Mary says
I push hard and I hear Mary, and Maxon saying what a good job I have done but all I focus on is getting my child out of me so that we can protect it. I hear a baby cry and I see Maxon smiling down at me,
"America its a boy" Maxon says, I see his eyes glisten with tears.
"It is" I say starting to cry myself.
"Would you like to hold your son your majesty's" Mary says handing Maxon a tiny little figure wrapped in a white blanket.
"Look America he has your eyes" Maxon says handing me a baby with bright blue eyes and brown hair.
"He has your hair Maxon" I say excitedly.
"Your majesty sorry to disturb but Queen America really needs her rest" Silvia says.
"Right" Maxon says retrieving our son from my arms. Even though it pained me to let go of him, I knew I needed my sleep.
After a couple of hours I wake up to Maxon carrying me to our bedroom.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"1 or 2 o'clock in the morning" he whispers back.
"Where's Jacob?" I ask.
"Is that what were going to call him?" Maxon asks with a smile.
"I really like that name" I say
"I do to darling, now let's get some rest tomorrow we will go to the hospital" Maxon says laying me down in bed.

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