Waiting Game

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Hey guys just a quick note THANKS SO MUCH FOR 2K. In honour of 2k I will do a Maxon POV. thanks again😘
I roll over in bed trying to get more comfortable when I hear sobbing, I sit up blinking a couple of times to wake myself up. I see America sitting near the window crying, I walk over and wrap my arms around her waist.
"Darling?" I say
"What are we going to do" she says
"Try our best" I reply
"What if Jacob get taken to?" She asks, I hear the fear in her voice.
"He won't get taken we will protect him, if anyone takes him they won't get far" I say confidently.
America wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my shoulder.
"I love you" she says.
"I love you too" I reply picking her up and carrying her back to bed.

I hear a loud ringing sound beside my head, as I crack open my eyes I see my emergency cell phone ringing. I immediately jump out of bed and grab the red phone.
"Hello!" I yell.
"Your majesty we have an update on the whereabouts of your brother in law" I hear Stavros say.
"What!" I shout, I wake America up but she needs to know this to.
"America they have news on Gerads whereabouts!" I say excitedly.
"What?" America says rubbing her eyes. She blinks sleepy a few times before the information processes and she jumps out of bed and onto me.
"Really" she says grabbing my red phone.
"Yes, alright, we will be right over." she says hanging up and running into her closet. She runs back out with two pairs of jeans and throws one at me while getting hers on. By the time I am finished putting my jeans on America is fully dressed and she has a sleeping Jacob in her arms.
"Ready?" She says breathless.
"Ummm" I reply.
Once I am ready we drop Jacob with America's mother and walk down to Stravos's office.
"Good morning your majesties" Stravos says.
"Well!" America says
"Oh right well we have pin pointed the location of where your brother is..." Stravos begins but is interrupted by an anxious America.
"So let's go storm the place and get Gerad out of there" America says.
"It's not that simple your highness, as I was saying we know where he is but the rebels have sent us a video I think you will want to watch." Stravos turns towards a TV, we see a room with a single chair and sitting in the chair is Gerad he looks unharmed but definitely scared. Suddenly we hear a voice from behind the camera,
"Hello your majesties, I just wanted to say congratulations on your child I'm sorry this is the only way we can talk but oh well, now little Gerad will be returned happy, healthy, and a little frightened if you hand over the Queen, you see we have a... let's say friend of the Queens here who wants to umm" the speaker chuckles " be reacquainted"
The speaker finishes and the camera zooms in on Gerads face. Then is goes black.
"Your saying you know where this is" America says her voice shaky.
"Yes, the outskirts of Carolina, a small industrial building" Stravos says.
"Well than any more news on the selection kills" I ask.
"No your highness" Stravos says.
"Well how are we going to get my brother back then?" America asks
"Well we were planning to send some spies in to see who wants to see you and to see if Gerad is alright, when they are trusted they can free Gerad and bring him back to the castle unharmed and without you being the item of trade.
"Alright let's proceed with this plan" I say glancing at America who nods.
"Who will we be sending in?" I ask.
"Two guards, officer Tony, and officer Gale." Stavros says.
America and I make our way back to our room when we arrive we sit down on our bed and I sigh.
"Now we are playing the waiting game" America says.

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