Quick Meeting

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I wake up to sun streaming through the windows, with my eyes still close I feel the space beside me looking for Maxons body, only to find wrinkled sheets. I sit up and look around our room for him.
"Maxon?" I call out.
I hear only silence. I grab my robe and walk down the hallway to check on Jacob, since I had that horrifying dream a month ago I check on him every morning.
Once I arrive at Jacobs door I hear soft singing I quietly open the door to see Maxon holding Jacob and singing a sweet lullaby to him. I smile to myself and shut the door.
I return to my room to get dressed for the day, I hear a knocking on my door.
"Come in" I say
"Your Majesty,Stravos has requested Maxon and you to meet with him in his office in 1 hour" a maid says.
"Alright, tell him we will" I say before turning and picking my outfit.
I start walking to Stravos' office and can't help but think that he is going to give me terrible news so is start walking faster and faster until I round the corner and bump right into Kriss.
"Your majesty- " she bowed " I wasn't expecting to see you today" she says through her clenched teeth.
"Good morning Kriss" I say frowning studying her carefully. She was seeming more irritable lately.
"I should probably get to my husband" I say slowly brushing past her.
"Of course you do" I hear her mutter behind me.
I quicken my pace walking to Stravos's office, I pass dozens of maids and by the time I am at the end of the hall way I am running I sprint through the corridors only slowing when I pass someone.
Finally I arrive at Stravos's office and I am relived to see Maxon already there.  He takes in my flushed face and my panting and offers me a chair which I quickly collapse in.
"Good morning your majesties" says Stravos.
"Good morning" Maxon and I say.
" I am happy to report that officer Tony and Gale have successfully accessed the rebels hideout and are now disguised as rebels as well. Officer Gale has made contact with Gerad and he is fine not a scratch on him but he may need a few psychiatric evaluations when he comes back." Stravos finishes.
"Thank you Stravos, please alert us if anything else important happens" Maxon says pulling me up from my chair and walking me down the hallway.
" Darling are you all right?" He asks worriedly.
" I'm fine it's just I had the strangest encounter with Kriss in the hallway." I say and explain the whole thing to him.
" That is quite strange" he says scratching his chin.
" Well anyways today I have a day off and Jacob, you, and I can spend it all together" Maxon says excitedly.
" oh really!" I shout jumping into his arms.
We walk hand in hand to our room and are to preoccupied with our plans for the afternoon to notice an angry Kriss peeking out from a corner glaring at our backs.

Hello my lovelies. I cannot begin to appoligize for this update first of all its horrible and second of all its been a month since I updated I'm sorry schools over and I have been busy with summer and I kept pushing it back until I forgot. I am sorry I will try to upload more often now.

Love you thanks for putting up with me❤️❤️❤️😍😍

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