Dont Forget About Me

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Hey guys quick A/N before this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you so much for putting up with my horrible updating schedule and I love you all so much. So sadly this book is coming to an end in like maybe 5 or 6 more chapters and I was just wondering if yall  wanted me to do a sequel of Jacobs selection, maybe we can even get a grannie Kriss in there. IDK just let me know. And BTW u guys r gonna hate me so much for this chapter. Love you❤️


When we arrived to the castle we quickly rushed America, Aspen, Gerad, and the two guards to the hospital.
I stayed with America the entire way she never woke up, she didn't flinch or anything.
"Oh my," says the head doctor as she sees all of us running in.
"Okay um, send Officer Leger to get cleaned up and stitched, send Gerad to get checked out, and Her Majesty I will look at." She quickly says pointing to random surprised staff.
"Now your Majesty what happened?" She asks me.
"Um well she was stabbed by a needle, we tried to ask what the liquid was doing to her but no one would tell us." I say, I feel paralyzed just staring at America just laying limp, no signs of life whatsoever.
"Can you tell me some of her side affects? Right after she got shot." She asks.
"Well she fell to the floor and she looked paralyzed and she just lay on the ground for a couple of minutes before blacking out." I say.
"Alright well we're going to see what we can do, I think you should get some rest we will call you as soon as she wakes up" she says, sending me out of the hospital wing but not before I saw the worried look on her face and the way she rushed America away from me.

I walk silently into my room taking off all of my simple clothes, there covered in blood and dirt. I walk slowly to bed before I remember about Jacob.
I silently run down the hallway and when I get to his room I quickly open the door to find my sleeping son curled into a tiny ball clutching a stuffed bear twice the size of him.
I carefully pick him up and tell him the story.
The story of how his mother and I met,
How she didn't even like me in the beginning
How betrayed I felt when I saw her kissing Aspen.
What an idiot I felt like when I was about to choose Kriss before a bullet knocked some sense into me.
By the time I was done it was sun rise.

"Your majesty, your majesty" I feel a light tapping on my shoulder.
"Yes" I say sitting up I look around and realized I fell asleep in Jacobs room.
"Sorry to wake you sir but doctor Ava asked me to send you to the hospital." Says the maid.
I sit up straight.
"She did? Is everything alright? Is America alright?" I ask her.
"I-I don't know your majesty she just told me to send for you". She says stumbling over her words. 
I push past her and sprint down the hallway towards the hospital ward.

Once I reach the hospital I am greeted by doctor Ava,
"Hello your majesty" she says.
"Hello which room is America in?" I ask out of breath from running.
"Um, down the hall room 203. But-" she starts but I don't let her finish I need to see if my America is okay.
I run down the hallway, I hear doctor Ava shouting I don't know who she's shouting at but I don't care I run down the hall counting the doors.
I quietly open the door, seeing a sleeping figure on the bed. I quietly whisper,
The figure on the bed turns around slowly,
She stares at me for a few seconds, I smile at her, she sits up and opens her mouth to say something when all of a sudden she picks up her pillow and throws it at me.
"A-America it's, it's me Maxon, your husband." I say slowly approaching her bed.
"I don't know who you are and I don't know why your saying that but if you take one more step forward all scream." She says backing away from me on her bed.
"You really don't know who I am?" I say.
"No" she says
"I don't even know who I am" she says quietly.
I feel like I can't breathe suddenly the room feels like it's shrinking, America gets blurry and all I hear is white noise in my ears it feels like I'm swimming but there's no water.
'She doesn't remember me, she doesn't remember me.' Those are the only words going through my head.
I leave the room, close the door and lean again the wall I still can't breathe my lungs feel like there going to explode, I see doctor Ava walking towards me.
She says something but I can't hear her.
America doesn't remember me,
And it's all my fault, I never should have let her go to the rebel base.
Whatever they did to her,
She can't remember, and she's confused and scared and it's all my fault.
I know I should be screaming and shouting and crying, I should be depressed but all I can manage is a single tear down my face because,
America and I are no more.

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