Wake up call

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<America's POV>
It was the middle of the night and Maxon and I had just gotten to sleep when I heard noise in the hallway, my first thought was rebels but when a maid came bursting into our room I was surprised.
"Your Majesties I am so sorry for barging in but Stravos and The Head guard have asked for your presence immediately" she says breathlessly.
"Oh of course" I say already rushing out of bed. She closes the door and I notice Maxon is still in bed.
" Maxon, Maxon!" I say while putting my robe on.
" Whhaaattt" he says sleepily.
" Get up" I say shoving his shoulder.
" Can't the king get a good nights sleep for once" he mumbles as he gets up from bed.
We walk down down the empty hallways to meet Stravos and Aspen, we finally arrive at the doors and just as I am about to open them Maxon grabs my hand.
"America no matter what happens I want you to promise me you won't do or say anything stupid." He says sternly.
" What! When have I ever done anything stupid" I say.
"Well there was that time you-" he starts.
"Nevermind it doesn't matter now" I say quickly.
" America, promise me. I don't want to lose you" he says quietly.
" Maxon after all we've been through so you really think you would lose me, come on I am as tough as rock" I say, but when I see no change in his eyes I promise him.
Letting go of my wrist Maxon opens the door and we find Aspen and Stravos in deep conversation.
"America, Maxon hello" Aspen says his eyes flashing fear and sadness. I've known him for to long to for him to get that past me.
"What's wrong, what happened" I say.
" I think it would be best for you to see" Stravos says playing a video on the projector.
It's black at first and then a familiar face appears, Gerad he looks fine perfectly healthy not a scratch on him, but then a man comes on.
" Your Majesties, it's very nice to see you again we haven't talked in a while, seems you haven't taken us up on our deal of trading the Queen for her brother well that's a shame." He says looking at Gerad, I grab Maxons hand and squeeze I'm afraid of what they might do to Gerad.
" oh and by the way we found your little moles" he says and more rebels appear dragging officer Gale and Tony with them, they are both beaten horribly and officer Gale is unconscious, officer Tony is holding his left arm as if it's been broken.
" we didn't expect to get more prisoners but thanks, the more people to kill." He says walking up to officer Tony.
" hello son, know please look at the camera and tell the royal family if you have anyone who cares about if you die or not." The man says.
Officer Tony stays quiet, until the man kicks his left arm and officer Tony screams.
" if you don't want that to happen again i suggest you talk!" The man shouts.
" I-I have a wife who is pregnant with our third child, I have a daughter who is twelve and a son who is five." He says with tears streaming down his face.
"Now see that wasn't so hard was it" the man says.
" Does your wife have a job?" He asks
" no, I am the only income we have" he says
" oh wouldn't it be a shame if you died, your wife would be thrown out onto the streets and so would your kids." The man says laughing to himself.
"You see your Majesties if we killed him there would be a very big ripple affect, I wonder who they would get to tell your wife that you've died." He says stroking his chin as if in deep thought.
" We would have officer Gale say something but as you can see he's quite sleepy" the man laughs at his own joke and all the rebels laugh as well.
" why don't we just put him out of his misery," the man says pulling a gun out from his waistband.
"No" I whisper.
The man aims it at officer Gales head, I see officer Tony squirming against his captors.
"Stop! Please! He has a family! Do you not have a heart spare him he didn't do anything wrong" Officer Tony starts shouting.
" Calm down officer I'm not going to kill him just push him that much closer to death." He says, he aims the gun to his officer Gales shoulder and shoots.
I hear Gales, Tony's, and Gerad's scream combing into one.
I close my eyes and take deep breathes, I hear movement around me but I can't make sense of it I hear my name being called but I can't place the voice.
All I can think about is Gerad, Gale, and Tony being held prisoner being beaten and shot because of me.
I need to turn myself in.
I need this all to stop.

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