Black eyes

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<America's POV>

I'm running through the woods outside of the palace in my night gown looking for someone finally I hear Jacob crying, "Jake!" I scream, when I hear no reply I scream louder "Jake!". I stumble into a clearing and I see Jacob lying in the grass crying flailing his arms and legs around I start running towards him but someone picks him up.

"Thank you" I start to thank the stranger, I reach out towards Jacob when suddenly the stranger holds Jacob closer.

"Ahh! The lovely Queen America of Ilea" says the stranger.

I instantly recognize the voice from the rebel video of Gared, my eyes widen and I stand a little straighter looking directly into brown eyes so dark they look black the rest of his face is shaded in the darkness of the night.

"Give me my son back." I say through gritted teeth.

"Did you really think it would be as simple as asking?" the rebel chuckles.

"You royals amaze me thinking you can just ask and get whatever you like, well I will be the first to reject your request." he says pulling a black object out of the waistband of his pants, I look closer and notice it is a gun.

I gasp.

"Please!" I beg falling to my knees.

"Well a bit late for begging don't you think Your Majesty?" he laughs, a horrible icy laughter that only takes pleasure in people's pain.

"should have turned yourself in when we asked, now I am afraid you will pay the price." he says raising the gun to the sleeping Jacob in his arms.

My breathing quickens and my eyes widen,

"Please I'll go now PLEASE I will give you money, weapons, anythi..." I am cut off by the sound of a gunshot, Jacob collapses into the grass.

"NOOOOO!" I scream, I crawl to Jacob and hold him in my arms his body is cold in my arms and blood is seeping through his white shirt. I gently place my hand over his small chest feeling for a tiny heartbeat but I feel nothing. My body betrays me and collapses tears gently fall to the ground. I glance up and the rebel is laughing he slowly kneels next to me.

"America!?" he shouts.

I look at his confused.

Suddenly I open my eyes to find Maxon right next to me he has his hands on my shoulder's.

"America are you all right?" he asks concern in his brown eyes.

"Jacob!" I scream pushing past Maxon and running to Jacob's room across from ours.

I sprint to his room throwing the door I run to his cradle and I see Jacob sleeping gentle blonde curls framing his face. I grab him and pull him into my arms crying into his little head. I finally hear Maxon stumble into Jacob's room.

"America! What happened?" he asks confused.

I place Jacob into his cradle glad I didn't disturb his sleep, I run into Maxon's arms crying, he hugs me back, he picks me up and carries me back to our room.

"Want to talk about it?" Maxon asks once I am in bed snuggled against his chest. I tell him about my nightmare.

When I finish Maxon and I are both in tears.

Sorry this one was short one I did this in like an hour so please don't kill me

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