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Since I haven't updated in a while I'm going to give u a quick summary cause it's most likely you guys forgot what happened in the last couple of chapters.
America has amnesia because the new rebel helper person (Kriss) injected America with a poison that would have killed her, but luckily Maxon was able to get America to the castle hospital before the poison reached her heart. But the poison got to her brain and it kills all her memories for the past couple of years. Now America and Maxon only have about a month to get America's memories back which in last couple of chapters has been reduced to 2 weeks. Thankfully America has been starting to get memories back slowly but they only have two weeks for America to remember everything.

Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story this is the last chapter (maybe).

Maxon POV
I hear crying.
And yelling.
A child crying.
I slowly open my eyes everything looks hazy I see America slowly rise out of our bed and tip toe towards Jacobs room. I start to rise to help her but she turns around and stops me with her words.
"No Maxon it's fine I'll get him you get some sleep" she slowly opens the door separating our room from Jacobs.
I sigh and fall back into bed, right when I'm about to fall asleep I feel as if something's wrong.
"America" I call out.
But no one responds, I quickly jump out of my bed desperate to see if she's there I rapidly open the doors but no one is there the room is blank it's just a white space. Slowly I am submerged into the bright white and I hear a baby crying.
I open my eyes to realize it was all a dream.
America still has amnesia and Jacob is crying.
I slowly get up and go into Jacobs room,
"Shhhh it's okay daddy's here don't cry"
I pick him up and bounce him up and down while humming a lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I couldn't get to sleep.
I finally get him back to sleep, as I'm placing him back into his crib I take a glance at the clock on his beside table and it reads 5:30am.
I quietly leave Jacobs room and make my way down to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast.
As soon as I take my last bite of toasted bread with butter I quickly rush to the hospital to go see America, but I make a quick stop to our room to pick up some photographs this has been the easiest way for America to remember things.
She knows about Jacob but she hasn't seen him yet because I feel that it might be to overwhelming for her.
The hospital doors snap open as I run through the halls more excited and energized by thinking about my dream from this morning and thinking about having my old life.
I wave a quick hello to the nurses I pass and almost fall on the freshly washed floors but save myself by sliding all the way to the doors leading to Americas hospital room.
I knock and hear an energetic 'come in'.
I enter the hospital room and the instant smell of roses overwhelm me, Americas family has been sending tons and tons of flowers every time they visit, I think this jut causes a tremendous headache but America seems to like them so I let it slide.
I look over to the hospital bed and see America already sitting up she looks just as beautiful as she did the day she first entered this palace.
"Hello" I say placing the heavy box I've been carrying on the ground beside the chair next to her bed.
"Hello" she says glancing at it trying to sneak peaks of the pictures and videos I brought today which just happen to be all the photos and videos I took since Jacob was born. 
" I think it's time for you to see our son today" I say quickly glancing at her face to see her reaction, she looks a bit surprised but she doesn't look like it would crush her. I walk to the wall directly across from her bed and roll down the projection screen I had put there so we could view the videos without moving her.
"Okay here we go" I say loading the first video in the projector.
The first video is a couple of days after Jacob was born America and I wanted to show him his new room without any official cameras from the report.
I'm holding the camera and walking behind America as she carries Jacob into his room, when we reach the door I step in front of the doors opening them for America, as I do this we hear America saying to Jacob. 
"Your father is going to teach you all of his gentlemanly skills" she says we both laugh and then I angle the camera to face me as America leans in to kiss me.
We walk into the room and America sets Jacob into his cradle, at this point I think it's enough for one day and I pause the film right when I am picking Jacob up from his crib and throwing him up to the ceiling.
I turn around to see tears rolling down Americas face, I quickly rush to her bed.
"I'm sorry was it to much, I knew I should have left it for another day, I didn't mean for it to upset you. " I say quickly while placing my two thumbs under her eyes and wiping the tears away.
"No it didn't upset me it's just, I want that again but when I saw his face on the screen I didn't even recognize him Maxon. " she says.
"A mother is supposed to recognize her only son" she says crying more.
"America not every mother lost her memory trying to save her youngest brother" I say sitting beside her.
"That's another thing if we love our son so much how come we left him to go on this dangerous mission to rescue my brother I mean how come we couldn't get out army to do it or something." She says.
"Well, you wanted to do it because you love your brother and you thought no one would be able to do this job like you, everything was going perfectly..." But she interrupts me.
"Until we got caught" she sighs.
"Look I know this is hard but you have to understand that we only have two weeks to find that one memory that triggers them all" I say.
"I know" she says looking hopeless. "What could it be"
"I don't know" I say. 
"Maybe we should look for very important memories, like memories that changed your life." I say.
"How am I going to know those memories of I can't remember anything." She says.
"We'll figure it out don't worry" I say patting her knee.
"Why don't we take a walk around the castle" I suggest.
"Sure I'll just get ready" she says
"I'll have some clothes sent from our room" I say quickly getting up and packing all the videos and pictures I planned to show her today back in the box.

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