Chapter 3: The Escape

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"But first, the Matrix!" Megatron said as he demanded Starscream to hand it over. "No!" Smokescreen yelled. Then he struggled to use the power of the Matrix to overpower Megatron, but it didn't found him worthy.

"Scrap! First the Star Saber and now this!?" Smokescreen said in frustration. Megatron chuckled, "Did you honestly believe that you're destined to be like Optimus?" he asked. He backhanded Smokescreen and caused him to fall onto his back and let go of the Matrix as it fell right out of his hand servo. Megatron looked down at the young Autobot who was now more frightened of him than ever.

"You're delaying the inevitable, Smokescreen. Now I will have what's rightfully mine and I will soon conquer both this world and Cybertron," he told Smokescreen.

But just before Megatron would do anything, Smokescreen moved over to quickly grab the Matrix of Leadership and he was about to flee with it when it started to glow a bright light.

Smokescreen was awed by the Matrix's power as it shined like a star in his arm. When he took a look at it, Megatron was now feeling a bit tense, shocked, and confused. He didn't except it to shine as if the Matrix had found the young Autobot worthy in becoming the next Prime after Optimus, yet Megatron had hardly even doubted that Smokescreen's spark was pure. Smokescreen holds the Matrix of Leadership in front of him and Megatron knew what he was going to do with it. He was about to unleash it's power against the mighty warlord and Megatron couldn't handle it anymore as he let out his emotions at Smokescreen.

"Smokescreen! Don't! Let go of it!!" Megatron begged. "You don't know what you're doing!" He yelled.

"Your reign of tyranny is over, Megatron!" Smokescreen yelled before beginning to unleash the Matrix's power onto Megatron. The elder Cybertronian's red optics opened widely with horror as he idly froze before Smokescreen unleashed the Matrix's power and he managed to blow Megatron out of the way as he crashed through the walls of the Nemesis while shouting.

"NOOOOAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" Megatron shouted.

The evil mech fell unconscious when the Matrix's power slammed him through the walls and this gave Smokescreen the opportunity to escape the warship. Meanwhile, Bulkhead helped the weak Optimus walk out of the torture chamber and Ratchet was able to mend his wounds he got from Megatron. They were worried about Smokescreen and they desperately needed to get out of the Nemesis and return to their secret base. Prime was especially concerned about Smokescreen as the young bot was no match for Megatron considering how much damage he would inflict upon his enemies.

"Ratchet! I got the Matrix." Smokescreen com linked Ratchet. The medic answered, "Smokescreen, are you alright? Where's Megatron? How were you able to—"

Smokescreen interrupted, "No time to explain. We got to get out of here now! I've managed to defeat Megatron with the power of the Matrix!" He explained. Ratchet was surprised to say the least, "You what?!" Ratchet exclaimed. "I know it sounds crazy. But I defeated the dark lord to avenge Optimus. He...Megatron extinguished his spark." Smokescreen said sadly. "No, that's not true. Optimus is still alive and active and he's with us. Megatron only wounded him to get the Matrix from his chest. Where are you?!" Ratchet said.

"I'm not sure where I'm at but we need to bridge out of here!" Smokescreen replied. "Understood." Ratchet said. Within an hour and 7 minutes, the Autobots were able to get themselves and Optimus Prime out of the Nemesis as they immediately took the ground bridge back to their hidden headquarters. Smokescreen was able to meet up with them in time before he would be stranded and the Decepticons would've captured him again and get the Matrix itself.

Four hours later, Optimus was on his berth, still wounded and he needed time to heal as Ratchet put the Matrix of Leadership back inside of the Prime's chest before he did the Energon transfusion to prevent the Autobot leader from dying of blood loss. Smokescreen told the whole story about how he used the Matrix to defeat Megatron and it was due to the fact that his spark was pure. Bulkhead, Ratchet, Arcee, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee were not convinced. But Optimus believed that Smokescreen was telling the truth as he fought bravely for his team to succeed in their rescue mission.


At the Autobots' Hidden Base...

"And then BOOM! Megatron was blasted through a dozen walls and the Matrix of Leadership was so powerful that it knocked him out cold!" Smokescreen told Jack, Miko, and Rafael. "And then what happened?" Jack asked. "I called Ratchet, told him that I got the Matrix and used it to defeat Megatron, and we managed to escape from the 'cons and their evil warship. I'm just glad that Megatron didn't extinguished Optimus's spark." Smokescreen said. "I still can't believe that Megatron would lie to you about him killing Optimus just to get under your skin!" Miko said angrily. "We're made of metal. Not skin and flesh." Ratchet corrected Miko.

Smokescreen looked at the weakened and injured Optimus lying on his berth with great concerned. "Is he going to be alright, Ratchet?" He asked the medic. "Optimus is strong. He will recover, given the same treatment I was given after..." Ratchet paused. He didn't wanna bring up that time when he was infused with Synthetic Energon and Megatron wounded him and made him spill the green stuff. "Never mind." Ratchet said. "Let him rest until he's fully recovered." He advised the Autobots and the human children.

Smokescreen felt so ashamed that he allowed this to happen. That he let Megatron mortally wound the red and blue Autobot leader that he admired and looked up to. So, the white, red and blue mech decided to go to his room and sulk by himself. Arcee took Jack back home to his mother's house, Bulkhead drove Miko back home and Bumblebee drove Rafael back home as well.

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