Chapter 6: Training and Betrayal

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The next day, back in the Autobots secret base, Optimus Prime was starting to feel better as he made a full recovery. Ratchet helped remove the Energon infusion tubes before he helped the red and blue Prime get off his berth. He made sure that Optimus wasn't in pain and although he still felt a little bit of pain from the wound in his chest, Prime was able to walk. Ratchet was glad that he managed to repair the damage that Megatron recently gave Optimus to steal the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus Prime then gathered his Autobots for a meeting on what to do before Megatron and his Decepticons would make their next move. Ratchet, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee were all gathered in the same room to meet up with their leader.

Except for Smokescreen. Optimus Prime waited for the young Autobot rookie to join the group meeting, but he didn't show up.

"Where is Smokescreen?" Optimus asked his Autobots. "I dunno. Last time we checked, he was in his room," said Wheeljack. "But where is he now?" Optimus inquired. "We're not sure. I went to wake up the kid but he wasn't on his recharge slab or anywhere in here." Bulkhead replied. "You don't suppose that he went outside for a drive this morning, did he?" Arcee asked. Optimus Prime decided to comlink Smokescreen to find out where he is, "Smokescreen, can you hear me?" He called. "Smokescreen, do you read?" He tried contacting him again but there was no response.

Optimus and the Autobots began to search for Smokescreen. When they couldn't find him in their base, they decided to transform and roll out to search for their latest recruit. Meanwhile, back on the Nemesis, Smokescreen was recharging in his new quarters when he woke up and by the time he got out of his berth, he looked at himself in the mirror to look at his new Decepticon insignia. When he heard someone knocking on his door, he answered and he saw Megatron's first lieutenant standing in front of him. "Dreadwing." Smokescreen said. "Good morning, young one." Dreadwing greeted Smokescreen. "Uh, good morning." Smokescreen said. "Lord Megatron wishes to see you at the bridge," Dreadwing informed the young bot. Smokescreen followed Dreadwing over to the main bridge of the Nemesis where Megatron was waiting for them.

"Ahh, Smokescreen. I see that you're finally awake. Did you sleep well?" Megatron said to Smokescreen.

Smokescreen yawned and stretched his arms out. "Yes, sir. So, what's the schedule?" He asked Megatron. "Today is your first day of training, my son. You will follow Dreadwing to the training room where he will be teaching you how to properly master swordsmanship." the Decepticon warlord told the young Autobot-turned-Decepticon mech.

"I'm sorry, swordsmanship?" Smokescreen asked in confusion.

"Do you recall the day we battled inside our warship when you and Optimus were captured, did you not?" Megatron said. "I drew out my blade and you fought me only with a sharp, pointy piece of scrap metal instead of a real sword." he reminded Smokescreen.

"Oh, yeah. I remember that." Smokescreen replied as he recalled his last battle with Megatron.

"Dreadwing. Escort the Prince to the training room and teach him how to properly master the sword." Megatron ordered the leader of the Seeker army. Dreadwing replied, "Yes, Master. Follow me, young prince." He told Smokescreen.

Smokescreen followed Dreadwing to the training room and once they arrived there, Smokescreen saw some training gear and Dreadwing handed him a sword. "Here is your first sword," Dreadwing told Smokescreen as he handed him the weapon. "It's heavier than it looks." Smokescreen said as he held the blade. "Come. Allow me to teach you how to master the art of swordsmanship." Dreadwing told his pupil.

"Uh, okay. But are you sure about this?" Smokescreen asked. "I'm very sure," Dreadwing said as he held out his own sword. Megatron's first lieutenant instructed Smokescreen on how to properly make a solid stance while holding his sword and once they were in a fighting position, Dreadwing tells Smokescreen to begin his melee combat training with him.

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