Chapter 12: Crossing the Line

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Back at the Autobots' base in Jasper, Nevada, Arcee got the medic, Ratchet, to check on her to make sure she wasn't hurt or damaged by the Decepticons medic she encountered in the middle of the night after she had dropped off Jack Darby to his and his mom's house. Ratchet scanned the two-wheeler and she was 98% okay and in an okay condition. "I'm sorry you had an encounter with a Decepticon, Arcee." Ratchet apologized. "It's not your fault. I was going out for a ride after I dropped off Jack at his mom's house. I was so focused on thinking about how I can convince Smokescreen to come back to us that I didn't even notice Knock Out when he collided with me." Arcee told the medic. "Arcee." Ratchet began. "I know how bad you want Smokescreen to leave the Decepticons and return home to us. But...we're just going to accept it." He said. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do about it. Megatron has managed to turn him against us. Just like he always manipulated our young into joining his side." Ratchet said in a sad tone.

"But there has to be a way. If I could just talk to him, then maybe he'll be an Autobot again." Arcee said. "I'm sorry. But there's nothing we can do about it as I've said. We're just gonna have to let him go for now." Ratchet said. "But we can't let Megatron keep Smokescreen to himself. Who knows how much longer until he'll do something terrible to make him reveal our hidden location." Arcee replied. "You need to recharge, Arcee. I'm going to recharge myself. You should focus on getting some rest. You've had a rough night with that Decepticon medic who attacked you and Soundwave attacked you." Ratchet suggested. Arcee sighed in defeat. "Okay, Ratchet." She said.

In Arcee's room, the fembot was just preparing to recharge herself and sleep when she couldn't help but think about all the times Knock Out flirted with her while in battle during an Autobot mission. Arcee began to blush just thinking about how much of a suave, seductive, but vain Decepticon he is. She even wondered if whatever Knock Out said to her was even true. Does he have any feelings for her? No, it couldn't be true. He's a Decepticon! She's an Autobot and a two-wheeler who had lost two seasoned partners many stellar cycles ago. Because of Airachnid and even Starscream. Nonetheless, Arcee went to her berth and recharged and she dreamed about Knock Out and how handsome and sexy he is until she finally started to remember Smokescreen, Cliffjumper, and even Tailgate. The fembot couldn't help but cry in her sleep as she thought about the Autobot mechs and partners she had lost until she was awoken by her own tears. The next day, Megatron brought Smokescreen, Knock Out, Starscream, Dreadwing, and the Vehicons over to the Energon Mines where they were mining for some Energon crystals and gathering some other twisted, unhealthy, and even unsafe resources such as Synthetic Energon and Dark Energon.

Smokescreen stayed by Megatron's side as he began to talk to him about how he is destined for greatness and how he can be fit to rule the Decepticons one day. The dark lord showed Smokescreen how he would order the Vehicons around to give him what he wants and Smokescreen thought about the Vehicons, the Eradicons, the Decepticon miners, and even the Insecticons and he couldn't help but feel sorry for them, that they would have to die and risk their sparks to serve and protect their lord and master. "One day, when I am gone, you will lead the Decepticons in my place and you will lead them towards peace, equality, and freedom," Megatron told his adopted son. "I...I'm not sure if I am fit to rule one day." Smokescreen said in self-doubt. "Nonsense, my dear boy. I believe that you have the potential to be a leader. I can sense the greatness within you, Smokescreen. And I know that you will do many great deeds and I am certain that you will succeed one day when my life is over because even though I intend to win the Great War, I am not naïve enough to think that I will live to see the future." Megatron told Smokescreen in a wise-elder tone of voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Smokescreen asked. "Why do you think that you won't live long to see the future?" Megatron looked at his adopted son and told him in a gentle, but then he spoke with a serious tone of voice. "You should know that even though I'm a middle-aged Decepticon, I am practically an elder and I want a nice young bot who will one day become my heir and my worthy successor. And I have chosen you to be that successor." Megatron told Smokescreen. Steve the Vehicon appeared and reported to Megatron. "Lord Megatron, we have gathered plenty of Energon resources and we shall be bringing them over to our warship at once." He told his master. "Excellent. Make sure you do it now before the Autobots intrude and try to fight us to get the Energon we need to survive." Megatron ordered. "Yes, Master," Steve said as he bowed before he left.

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