Chapter 20: Whispers of Darkness

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Orion Pax stared into Megatron's optics, a mix of sorrow and determination etched across his face. The once strong bond between them as mentor figure and student, as best friends and as brothers-in-arms had been shattered, replaced by a chasm of darkness and betrayal.

"Why, Megatronus!?!? Why are you doing this?!!?" Orion Pax pleaded, his voice filled with anguish.

Megatron's frame towered over Orion Pax, his voice laced with bitterness. "You know why I have to do this, Orion Pax. The High Council has turned a blind optic to the plight of our kind. They refused to grant Cybertronians their rightful freedom. When I confronted them, you stepped forward and betrayed me!"

Orion Pax shook his head, desperation was evident in his voice. "You've got it all wrong, Megatronus! I was only trying to help, to find a solution. I didn't realize that the Councils had bestowed upon me their trust and respect!"

Megatron's optics burned with anger as he spoke, his words punctuated by fury. "And yet, you ruined everything, Orion! Our greatest moment, the moment I taught you everything I knew, was shattered. Now, you've become the Councils' favorite, admired for your wisdom when you speak. They even bestowed upon you the blessing known as the Matrix of Leadership, making you a Prime."

Orion Pax's voice cracked with frustration. "But I never wanted it! The High Council made a mistake, using me to bear something that holds great importance for all Cybertronians. Megatronus, you need to stop! I thought you had changed!"

Megatron's tone grew colder, his voice dripping with disdain. "Oh, Orion Pax. You believed you could save me? How wrong you are. You have betrayed me in every way possible. And let me make one thing clear: Megatron, the true leader, shall honor the name I bear, Megatronus Prime of the Original Primes. It is a name that instills fear in the galaxy, a legacy that shall forever be remembered. It is the name that created...the Decepticons!"

Orion Pax's optics widened in realization. "You're talking about The Fallen!"

Megatron nodded, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "Exactly. The Fallen—Megatronus Prime, my namesake, inspired me to become the leader that I was born and meant to be. Cybertron and the universe will be ours to rule for all eternity. We could have been so much more, but you betrayed my trust. You never cared for me or our kind. Now, I am stronger than ever, and I will restore the Decepticons to their rightful place. I will destroy the Autobots, and a new era shall be born. I will rule over traitors like you!"

Orion Pax's voice shook with determination. "Megatronus, listen to me! You're descending down a dark path that will only lead to your own destruction, just as it destroyed your namesake. The Fallen was evil!" Megatron's voice dripped with venom as he retorted, his conviction unwavering. "From my point of view, the Autobots are the evil ones, and they deserve to perish!" Orion Pax's optics were filled with sadness. "Then you are lost!"

Megatron's voice carried a haunting echo. "Indeed, Pax. In fact, you just lost a friend because you turned your back on him! We were brothers once!"

Orion Pax's spark ached with the weight of their broken bond. "Once."

As the echoes of their shattered connection reverberated through the air, Orion Pax stood firm, a glimmer of hope flickering within him. He knew that he would have to face Megatron, the embodiment of darkness and vengeance. The fate of Cybertron hung in the balance, and Orion Pax would do everything in his power to save his people, even if it meant confronting the one he once called brother.

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