Chapter 21: The Shadow Wraith

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The training room echoed with the clang of metal as Smokescreen, his sword glinting in the light, sparred with his mentor, Dreadwing. Sweat trickled down Smokescreen's brow as he focused on honing his sword-fighting skills. After countless hours of practice, he was finally beginning to grasp the art of combat. As the training session drew to a close, Smokescreen put away his sword, and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Turning to leave, he noticed something unusual. Megatron, his foster father, sat on his berth, his mighty frame hunched, and his face buried in his hands. Curiosity mixed with concern, Smokescreen approached Megatron cautiously. "Megatron," he said softly, "Is...Is something troubling you?"

Megatron looked up, his red optics dimmed with surprise. Smokescreen noticed the telltale signs of tears in his foster father's eyes, something he had never witnessed before. Megatron quickly composed himself, trying to hide his emotions, but Smokescreen could see through the facade. Megatron was grieving, consumed by sorrow. Smokescreen's confusion grew. He had never seen Megatron like this. "I've never seen you cry before. I...I don't understand, Megatron," Smokescreen stammered. "Why are you so sad?"

Megatron let out a heavy sigh, his voice carrying the weight of countless sorrows. "Smokescreen, my young ward, let me share with you a tale of a gladiator—a tale that is different from my own." Smokescreen's optics widened in surprise as he settled himself beside Megatron. He listened intently as his foster father began to recount a story of love, loss, and vengeance. "Once, there was a gladiator who was an ex-miner in his youth," Megatron began, his voice tinged with melancholy. "He was a scapegoat, a pawn in a grand game. But in the depths of his despair, he found true love—a kind and beautiful fembot who saw beyond the chaos and violence. They got married...and then...they had a son together, their only consolation in a world filled with darkness."

A distant sadness flickered in Megatron's optics as he continued. "The gladiator thought he had finally found happiness, a family to protect. But his enemies struck, tearing his beloved conjunx-endura and son from his grasp. Grief twisted his spark, and he swore revenge upon those who had taken his loved ones." Megatron's voice grew colder, filled with bitter resolve. "He became a force of destruction, an instrument of wrath, cutting down anyone who stood in his way. But with every enemy slain, the gladiator grew more isolated, until he found himself alone, with no one left to trust but himself."

Silent tears streamed down Megatron's face, and Smokescreen's spark ached with the weight of his foster father's pain. Acting on instinct, he grabbed a nearby rag and offered it to Megatron. "Here, Megatron," Smokescreen said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "Let me help you wipe away your tears." Megatron's surprised expression softened, and he accepted the rag. Smokescreen gently dabbed at the tears staining Megatron's face, a gesture of solace amidst the shattered fragments of their shared history.

At that moment, the bond between them grew more assertive. Smokescreen understood, at least in part, the depths of Megatron's grief. And though he couldn't fathom the weight of his foster father's burdens, he knew that he would stand by Megatron, contributing support and understanding. As the last remnants of tears were wiped away, Megatron's optics met Smokescreen's, a trace of gratitude shining through the sadness. In that silent exchange, they found solace—a flicker of hope amid the darkness that plagued them both. Together, they would navigate the turbulent path that lay ahead, bound by destiny and the unbreakable ties of family.

Smokescreen's optics widened, his spark heavy with a mixture of sympathy and confusion. He took a moment to process Megatron's words, his mind struggling to reconcile the tale with the reality of his foster father's life. "Megatron...Were you the gladiator in this story you told me? The one who lost his sparkmate and his child?" Smokescreen murmured, his voice filled with uncertainty.

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