Chapter 28: The Epilogue

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Smokescreen was fast asleep in his room. It had been 2 days since he returned to the Autobots and was no longer on Megatron's side. It felt good for him to be an Autobot again. Smokescreen promised never to become a Decepticon again and as he slept for hours, he suddenly had a dream where he was in a dark room when he suddenly saw a glowing spark that transformed into a fembot that looked similar to Smokescreen. 

It was the spirit of Smokescreen's mother, Frostline. In the dimly lit chamber, Smokescreen stood frozen, his optics wide with disbelief as he faced the spectral figure before him. It was a form he thought he'd never see again, a presence he'd long believed lost to the annals of time.

"Who are you?" His voice trembled, a mixture of awe and uncertainty lacing his words.

"I'm your mother, Smokescreen." The figure's voice was soft yet resonant, imbued with a warmth that reached into the depths of Smokescreen's spark.

"Mom? But it can't be. You died of childbirth when I was born." Smokescreen's words faltered, his processor struggling to comprehend the impossible sight before him.

"Yes, but my spirit is one with the Allspark. But know that I will always be in your heart. I love you and I will always be with you, my son." Frostline's ethereal form radiated a sense of maternal love, enveloping Smokescreen in a comforting embrace of memories and emotions.

Overwhelmed by a flood of conflicting emotions, Smokescreen felt tears welling in his optics as he took a tentative step forward, drawn inexorably towards the apparition of his long-lost mother.

"Mom...I-I missed you so much. I'm so sorry." His voice cracked with emotion, the weight of regret and longing bearing down upon him.

"For what?" Frostline's voice was gentle, a soothing balm to his fractured soul.

"For the wrong choices I've made. For the wrongful things I've done. I betrayed the Autobots and joined the Decepticons and became Megatron's adopted son. Megatron wanted to use me and control me, but then he let me go. I returned to the Autobots and Optimus Prime forgave me and let me back in." Smokescreen's words spilled forth in a torrent of remorse and guilt.

"Smokescreen, I forgive you. I love you no matter what." Frostline's words were filled with a mother's unconditional love, her presence offering solace amidst the storm of his emotions.

As Smokescreen wrapped his arms around his spectral mother, tears streamed down his face, mingling with the shimmering light of her incorporeal form.

"Mom? Will I ever see you again?" His voice wavered, a mixture of hope and longing in his tone.

"Someday you will, when you're ready to become one with the Allspark. But know this, my son. Your destiny is to fight alongside the Autobots and to help Optimus Prime in his time of need. When the dark time comes, only you will save Optimus' life." Frostline's words carried a weight of prophecy, hinting at a future fraught with challenges yet filled with purpose.

"But how? I don't understand." Smokescreen's confusion was palpable, his mind struggling to grasp the cryptic words of his mother's vision.

"You will when the time comes. Remember who you are, Smokescreen. I will always be with you. Always." Frostline's spectral form began to fade, her voice echoing softly in the chamber as she vanished into the ether.

Left alone in the dim light, Smokescreen stood in silent contemplation, his mother's words echoing in his processor. Though questions remained unanswered and mysteries unresolved, one thing was clear: he carried his mother's love in his spark, a guiding light in the darkness of uncertainty.

As Smokescreen's consciousness emerged from the depths of slumber, he found himself enveloped in a shroud of lingering emotions, his spark heavy with the weight of his ethereal encounter. Tears still glistened in the corners of his optics, remnants of the profound connection he'd shared with his long-lost mother.

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