Imagine for @jmacbelieberfan
“Princess, wake up” Justin sweetly said, as he gently shook me. I groaned and turned around, so I was lying on my stomach.
“Princess, you need to wake up! It’s your birthday” Justin whispered to me, and then I could feel a soft kiss on my neck, and another one and another one.
“Why can’t I just sleep a little longer?” I asked him, my voice was really raspy, which made Justin laugh a little.
“Because I have the whole day planned, so you need to get up now, so you can get your gifts and some breakfast” he said. I turned around again, so I was lying on my back again. Then I opened one of my eyes slowly, but I quickly closed it again, because the sun was burning my eye too much.
“Come one princess” Justin complained. I gasped, when I suddenly felt Justin’s lips on mine. I happily sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss.
“Hey, let’s not get too caught up in this, I know you’re a virgin and I respect that” Justin said, as he pulled away from the amazing kiss.
“You’re so sweet baby! I love you,” I told him, and then I opened my eyes and smiled at Justin.
“I love you too! Now come on, your gifts is downstairs” Justin explained, as he got out of the bed. I groaned once again, but eventually I sat up in the bed. Justin kept smiling at me, which was the reason why I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Why are you smiling at me?” I asked him, as I kept having my eyebrows furrowed.
“Because you’re so beautiful without makeup,” he sweetly said, as he walked over to me.
“Aww, you’re the sweetest baby!” I cooed, and then I pulled his head down to mine and kissed his lips with as much passion, as I could.
“Baby, come on, other wise we won’t be able to get to do all the things we need to do today!” Justin explained.
“But I would rather stay here at home with you!” I told him, as I pouted.
“I’m not sure you want to do that, when you see what I have planned” Justin smirked.
“Are you sure?” I asked him, Justin playfully rolled his eyes, and then he picked me up and started running down the stairs! I was screaming and squealing all the way! Justin continued all the way outside, before placing me on the ground again. I lightly let out a breath, and then I turned around and gasped, when I saw the beautiful set breakfast table.
“Justin, you did all this?” I asked him, as I looked at him with loving eyes.
“You deserve the best baby,” he said, as he wrapped an arm around my waist.
“Where have you been all my life?” I asked him, as we walked over to the table.
“Apparently waiting for you,” he cheekily said, I playfully rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue to him.
“Don’t be mean! It’s my birthday,” I pouted, as I sat down in one of the chairs.
“I’m sorry baby! It won’t happen again” Justin said, as he started pouting. Justin sat down on the opposite side of me, and then we started eating.“Baby, do you want your presents now?” Justin asked me, as he took the last bite of his pancake.
“Justin bought me presents? I told you I didn’t want anything!” I complained,
“I know you did, but I don’t care” Justin smiled, as he looked me deeply into the eyes.
“Okay, I would like my presents now!” I told him after a minute of a starring contest. Justin playfully smirked and handed me a small box. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the small box.
“OMG!” I gasped, as I looked at the beautiful small ring.
“It’s not an engagement ring, at least not just yet! It’s a promise ring, where I promise you, that I will always love you and respect you!” Justin explained, “It has been my grandmas, she wanted me to give it to the girl I fell in love with, so I did” he explained.
“It’s beautiful!” I told him, as I still looked at the ring.
“Will you accept it?” Justin asked me, I nodded my head and covered my mouth with my free hand.
“Of course! I love you,” I told him, as I looked at him.
“Then slip it on your finger!” Justin impatiently said, I lightly giggled, and then I got the ring out of the box, and slipped it onto my finger.
“It’s like it was made to you” Justin told me, as he grabbed my hand over the table.
“Now, the next thing might not be as special as the first one! But I know you always talk about this place, so I thought we so go there” Justin explained, as he handed me two pieces of paper. I carefully looked at the papers and gasped, when I noticed it was tickets to Paris, the city of love!
“OMG, Justin are you serious? Are we going to Paris?” I asked him, as I looked him deeply into his eyes.
“Yeah, actually we’re supposed to fly in an hour, but I guess you’re not ready?” Justin said,
“WHAT? OMG, I need to pack!” I panicked; I pulled out my chair and stood up. Then I ran inside and upstairs. I tried to find my suitcase, but I couldn’t find it!
“Baby, no need to rush! I talked to your sister, and she told me what to pack for you, so all you gotta do, is to find something comfortable to wear on the flight” Justin explained, as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
“You really scared me!” I told him, as I rested my head on his shoulder.
“I know, I’m so sorry baby” Justin apologized.
“No need to be sorry” I told him, as I looked up at him, when I puked my lips and waited for Justin to kiss them. Luckily he took my hint, so he did the same and finally kissed my lips.
“Now, go shower and get ready, then I’ll do the dishes” Justin explained. I nodded my head, and then I kissed his lips once again before running out to the bathroom.

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...