Imagine to @omg_that_bitch_just
"Mommy, daddy!" My 4 years old princess whined as she got up in Justin and I's bed. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at her.
"Good morning sweetie" I yawned as I lifted my covers and let her lay down beside me.
"Mommy, is daddy working today?" Angie asked me as she snuggled into my side. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"I don't know baby, I think so" I sighed, Angie pouted, but eventually she nodded her head.
"I miss him" she said as her eyes got glossy. Suddenly Justin turned around and sat up as he looked at Angie.
"I miss you too sweetie" he said as he grabbed Angie and placed her on his lap.
"And that's why I have taken the day off to be with you" he smiled as he hugged her.
Angie squealed and wrapped her tiny arms around him.
"Thank you daddy" she politely said, Justin chuckled and looked her into the eyes.
"Why are you thanking me baby girl? I should be the one thanking you" Justin said as he turned her sideways and made her rest her head against his chest.
Angie didn't answer; she just smiled and looked at me.
"Well, now that daddy will be staying home, why don't we go downstairs and make some breakfast as daddy get's ready?" I asked Angie as I got out of bed. Angie nodded her head and crawled away from Justin. I picked her up and placed her on my hip.
"Hurry daddy" Angie said as we walked out of the room.
"I will baby girl, don't worry" Justin told her, and then I closed the door and went downstairs and made breakfast with Angie. Angie and I had decided to make chocolate chip pancakes and a lot of fruits.
Angie was sitting on the counter as I made the pancakes, but suddenly Justin came downstairs and grabbed her. Angie squealed and covered her eyes with her tiny hands.
"DADDY!" she screamed as Justin twirled her around. Justin laughed and stopped, but he wouldn't let go of her, he held her tight, and even though Angie tried to get away from him, Justin just held her like nothing happened.
"Daddy, let go" Angie whined with a smiled, Justin shook his head and pouted.
"Why can't I hold my princess?" he asked her as he walked over to me and placed Angie on his left hip. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and pecked my cheek.
"Good morning baby" he told me as he pecked my cheek once again. I giggled and turned my head in his direction.
"Good morning" I told him, and then I pecked his lips and turned to look at the food again.
"So, what do my princess's want to do today?" Justin asked Angie and I. I looked at Angie with a smirk, and Angie nodded her head.
"You don't need to worry about that, Angie and I have already planned the day" I told Justin with a smirk; Justin nodded his head and cleared his throat.
"Can I at least get a hint?" Justin asked as I grabbed the plate with pancakes and walked into the dining room. I looked at Angie, and Angie nodded her head.
"Okay, we haven't been doing this for a very long time" I told him, Justin furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes as he tried to see if he knew were we were going, but luckily he couldn't guess it.Even though Angie and I tried to give Justin a lot of hints on where we were going, he still didn't get it.
I was wearing a pair of black jeans, a grey sweatshirt with Mickey Mouse on it, an army green jacket and a pair of Adidas shoes. I had braided my hair, and my makeup was the normal everyday makeup, oh and I was also wearing my favorite pearl earrings Justin had given me for my birthday last year.
Angie was wearing a pair of black jeans, a pink shirt with Minnie Mouse, a pair of Adidas shoes and a cute, black jacket.
I would say it was pretty obvious that we were going to Disney World, but apparently not for Justin. He realized it when we were so close to Disney World that even babies would realize it.
"Are we going to Disney Land?" Justin asked as he looked out of the window in the passenger seat, I nodded my head and concentrated on parking the car. Angie squealed and hurried to unbuckle her seatbelt. She waited for Justin to open the door for her, and when he did, she was out of the car right away.
"That's why you guys are wearing shirt with Mickey and Minnie Mouse!" Justin said as he picked up Angie.
"Yeah, what would we wear them anyways?" I asked him as I locked the car and grabbed Justin's free hand.
"I don't know, maybe you guys wanted to match?" Justin suggested, I nodded my head and pecked his cheek.
"You're so cute baby" I told him, and then we walked inside and went over to the first ride.
"Why did you stop baby?" Justin asked me as he turned around to look at me. I smiled and looked down in the ground.
"I don't really feel like trying the different rides today" I told him even though I would love to try them. I had always loved amusement parks, but I had my reasons today...
"Why not? You love amusement parks?" Justin asked me as he walked over to me, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down in the ground.
"I will tell you later... Just go have fun with your daughter" I told Justin, Justin nodded his head, then he kissed my cheek and left to try the ride with Angie.
I sat down on a bench nearby and pulled out my phone. The reasons why I couldn't try the different rides, was because I was pregnant. Justin had no idea, but I had already told Angie, and she couldn't wait to become a big sister.
I had come up with the perfect plan with Angie on how to tell Justin. We had gotten Mickey Mouse to come over to our table as we ate, and he would give Justin a big present. In the present there would be a lot of baby clothes that Angie and I had picked out, it was natural baby clothes that both boys and girl could wear, because I didn't know the gender just yet...
But something told me we were having a boy, don't ask me why, because I honestly don't know...At 1 pm Angie, Justin and I sat down at a restaurant inside Disney World. And as we were half way done, Mickey Mouse came over to us. Angie smiled widely as Mickey sat down beside her and Justin. Justin furrowed his eyebrows and laughed, but he immediately stopped, when Mickey gave him the present he had in his hands.
"Thanks?" Justin said as he furrowed his eyebrows again. Justin looked over at me, and I told him to open the present. But before Justin could open the present Mickey stood up and grabbed Angie, he lifted her from her chair and sat down himself so Angie was sitting on his lap. I smiled and hurried to take a picture of them.
"Okay, you can open the present now" I told Justin. Justin nodded his head and ripped of the paper. He furrowed his eyebrows as he picked up the different baby clothes.
He looked over at Angie who was smiling really big, and then he looked over at me. He really didn't understand a thing today, because he first realized I was pregnant, when I pulled my sweatshirt close into my belly so it formed like a baby bump.
"OMG!" he smiled, then he stood up and walked over to me, he wrapped his arms around my shoulder from behind and placed his hands on my belly.
"We're having a baby more!" he squealed into my ear, I nodded my head and placed my hands on top of his.
"Does Angie know?" Justin asked me, I nodded my head and looked up at him.
"She does, she helped me pick out the baby clothes" I told him, Justin chuckled, then he let go of me. He walked over to Angie and Mickey and picked up Angie. He twirled her around and smiled widely.
"You're going to be a big sister!" Justin told Angie, Angie nodded her head and laughed her cute little laughter. Mickey stood up from the chair and gave me his hand, we shook hands, then he left, and I stood up, so I could hug both of them. We all hugged and celebrated my pregnancy the rest of the day.And 7 months later I gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy, so I was right, we were having a boy.
Anyways, Angie was so happy to finally be a big sister, and she got to help us choose the name, Noah Drew Bieber, and let me just tell you something, Noah was the cutest little baby boy, and he had totally wrapped his big sister around his pinkie, because she would do everything for him...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tell me what you think! And please COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE if you like my imagines, it would mean a lot to me!
- Amalie xo

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...