Imagine to @Waetfordxbieber
I was getting ready to go to Hailey's house. We were planning on just having a lazy day at her house with girly movies and all that.
So I was just wearing a pair of black and white, loose shorts, a black top and a pair of Adidas shoes. I decided to not wear that much makeup, and instead of putting in my contacts, I just grabbed my glasses and pulled them on, I also just pulled my hair up in a messy bun.
I ran out to my hall and grabbed my bag from Michael Kors, and then I left my house. I drove to Hailey's house and got out of my car.
Today was a really warm day, so I was really glad I had bulled my long hair up in a messy bun.
Hailey and I had been friends since I could remember, so I just opened her front door and walked inside.
"HEY!" I yelled as I took off my shoes. Hailey was fast to come out to me and hug me.
"Hey" she said, I smiled and grabbed my bag again.
"So, are we still watching movies, or are we going to take advantage of the amazing weather?" I asked Hailey as we walked into her kitchen. Hailey sat on the counter and shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know, I mean I guess we could go outside or something" she said, I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"You would rather stay inside and watch a movie, I know you Hailz," I told her with a little smirk. Hailey chuckled and nodded her head.
"Okay you got me" she said, then she got down from the counter and went into her living room. I grabbed some snacks, and then I also went into her living room and sat down on her couch.
"So, what are we watching?" I asked her, Hailey smiled and cleared her throat.
"Oh no Hailey, we're not watching Titanic!" I told her as my eyes got wide. Hailey knows I hate that movie, only because it makes me cry like crazy.
"Please, it's been so long since I last saw it!" she said, I groaned and closed my eyes as I nodded my head.
"Okay, but only because it's you" I told her, then Hailey started the movie, and we got comfortable on her couch.As the movie came to the point were the ship was sinking and both Hailey and I were bawling our eyes out, Hailey's front door got opened and soon after Justin, Ryan and Za were heard everywhere in the house. I groaned and tried to cover my eyes, but of course I didn't succeed.
"Hey girls" Justin said as he sat down in between Hailey and me. I rolled my eyes and tried to move away from Justin, but Justin pulled me closer and smirked.
"Why are you girls crying? Did you miss me?" Justin cheekily asked. I scoffed and sarcastically chuckled.
"Yeah right, who would miss you?" I asked him with a smirk. Justin and I hated each other, but sadly I was actually developing feelings for him, and it was not good! No one knew about it, and no one should know about it!
"Aw come on, I know you missed me little missy" Justin said, I shook my head and removed his arm from around my shoulders. I got up from the couch and paused the movie.
Before Hailey could say anything, I walked into her bathroom, and as I was about to close the door Justin opened it and walked into the bathroom with me. He closed the door behind him and locked it.
"Justin, what you doing?" I asked him as I walked over to the mirror and took off my glasses.
"I've never seen you with glasses" he said as he leaned against the door.
"No, I know that" I told him as I tried to fix my makeup.
"You look really beautiful with them," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.
"Is something wrong Justin? Are you sick?" I asked him as I furrowed my eyebrows even more.
"No, why? Can't I compliment you?" he asked me. I chuckled and shook my head.
"It's just weird. We hate each other," I told him, Justin shook his head and walked over to me.
"No, I don't hate you" he said, my eyes got wide, and I furrowed my eyebrows once again.
"What do you mean Justin? Of course you hate me," I told him as I took a step back. Justin shook his head and continued to walk towards me.
"No I don't! Hailey told me you like bad boys, so I tried to act like one" he said, I rolled my eyes, but soon I realized that Justin actually liked me. I opened my mouth wide and smirked.
"You like me" I told him as I smirked. Justin cleared his throat and looked down in the ground.
"I can't believe you haven't noticed yet! The first time I met you, I wasn't like this, was I?" he asked me, and he was right. 2 years ago when we met each other for the first time, he was really sweet, and he really tried to make an effort in getting to know me.
"Meet me at the beach tonight at 8, I have something I would like to talk to you about" I told Justin, and then I walked over to the door and opened it. I walked out and went into the living room.
"Hailey, I need to go" I told Hailey. Hailey furrowed her eyebrows and got up from the couch. As she did Justin came out of the bathroom, which made Hailey stop walking and look at us.
"Did something happen between the two of you?" she asked as she pointed at us. I chuckled and hurried to shake my head.
"Of course not! Why would you think that?" I asked her as I took on my shoes.
"Okay, I was just asking" she said. I nodded my head, then I grabbed my bag and opened the front door.
"I'll see you Hailey! Good bye boys" I said, and then I closed the door and got into my car before taking off.Around 7 I decided to get dressed to meet Justin. I wanted to tell him about my feelings; Ijust didn't want it to happen in a bathroom, that why I asked Justin to come tothe beach at 8 tonight. I took a deep breath as I found a simple, black dress and a pair of brownsandals. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and redid my makeup. I grabbed my iPhone, and then I went outside and started walking towards thebeach. I walked as slow as I could, I was so nervous, because I didn't want toget my heart broken once again, maybe that was also the reason why I decidedthat I hated Justin? The beach was completely empty, when I arrived. I sighed and sat down in thesand near the water. I took off my shoes and decided to make time pass bychecking my phone. I went into SnapChat and took a picture of my legs and thewater.
"Shit is getting real," I wrote on the picture, then I added it to MyStory andlocked my phone.
"Hey" someone suddenly said behind me. I turned my head around to see Justinstanding there with a smile on his face.
"Hey" I said back, then I patted the spot beside me, and Justin sat down withme. "So, why did you want me to come?" he asked me. I took a deep breath and lookeddown in my lap as I fumbled with my sandals.
"I have something to tell you, and I didn't want to tell you in a bathroom" Itold him as I turned my head towards him.
"I like you Justin, like I really, really like you" I told him, as I looked himinto the eyes. A big smile formed on Justin's lips, and he grabbed my hand.
"I like you, too Y/N, like I like you a lot" he said, I giggled and bit down inmy lip.
"Are you serious?" I asked him as I looked down. Justin grabbed my jaw with hisfree hand and made me look at him.
"Of course! I wouldn't make fun with such kind of thing" he told me, I lightlysmiled and started blushing, then Justin leaned in and connected our lips in amagical kiss.
"Come on, let's go for a walk by the water" Justin said, I nodded my head andgot up along with Justin. Justin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.He looked down at me and smiled.
"So, what are we?" I asked Justin as we walked in the water. Justin chuckledand smiled.
"How about I ask you on a date tomorrow?" he asked me; I nodded my head and bitdown in my lip. "That sounds like a plan" I told him, and then we continued to walk on thebeach as we shared a few kisses here and there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tell me what you think! And please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you like my imagines.
- Amalie xo

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...