This will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber!
I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them!
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* I'll s...
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My day couldn't have started any better! I woke up to a text from Justin asking me if I was up for a third date tonight, which I was! The first two dates we had been on had been fantastic, and I was so looking forward to going out with Justin once again. We were still very casual, and the first two dates had been held in private because Justin didn't want anyone to know about us dating just yet which was something that I did not mind, at all! We hadn't even kissed yet, which was kind of weird, but I just kept reminding myself that Justin perhaps wanted to take things slow. Tonight, however, was going to be different. Justin would be taking me to dinner at Catch LA, a restaurant I had heard to be lovely and very trendy; just my style.
Just thinking about going out to dinner in public with Justin made butterflies fly around in my belly, mostly because this had to mean that we were getting somewhat serious, but definitely also because we would actually be seen together in public. Was I even ready for that? Of course! I would do anything for Justin...
Since it was Saturday, I decided to use the whole day getting ready for the date. First, a long and steamy shower, where I also shaved everything necessary – I wasn't getting my hope up for anything, but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. Next was my nails, where I was debating whether or not I should go get them done professionally or just do them myself. I decided to get them done professionally, so I quickly threw on some clothes and dried my hair and then I was off to go get my nails done. I was lucky enough to have a very good friend that worked at a nail salon, and she happened to have a free spot, so I immediately took it. My friend and I decided that the nails should be very minimalistic, so we went with a beautiful matte grey gel with a few stones on some of the nails. The nails turned out so beautiful, and everything was just going right after my head! This was going to be such an amazing date!
After the nails were done, I drove back home and took my time finding the right outfit, which actually wasn't that hard! I decided to go with a black smock dress with florals embraided and some of my favorite accessories.
Suddenly it was a quarter till eight, and Justin would be picking me up any minute! I hurried to make the finishing touches on my hair, then I grabbed my purse and phone, and went to wait at my front door. I took one last look in the mirror right as my doorbell rang, then I took in a deep breath and opened the door. Immediately, my eyes were met with Justin's gorgeous ones. I bit down in my lip as I saw him check me out, and then I took the opportunity to check him out as well. He looked amazing in his grey suit and leather shoes. I don't know if I had imagined him to show up in something more casual, but I definitely wasn't ready for him to show up in a suit!
"Good evening, Y/N," Justin said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled back at him as I swung my purse onto my shoulder. "Good evening" I almost whispered back. I still wasn't used to him actually talking to me! "You might wanna grab a jacket or something, it's really cold outside tonight" Justin then said as I was about to walk out the door. I gently chuckled and nodded my head, then I went back inside and grabbed my trenchcoat. Soon after we were on our way to Catch.
Justin shuddered as we got out of the car and walked over to the restaurant.
"So, how was your day?" I asked Justin as we got seated at the restaurant. The place was rather busy and there was a buzzing of talking around us, which was quite nice. The wait proceeded to give us their menus and then left the table. "It's been a good day, I went to the studio with Josh and Ryan, and I think I'm finally ready to actually start recording an album," he told me while looking at his menu, he then looked up and smiled at me. "I could bring you to the studio someday if you're interested?" he then asked. I smiled back at him and nodded. "I would love to!" I told him, then I looked back at my menu to try and figure out what I wanted to order. Sushi seemed like a very good choice.
A few minutes later the waiter came back just as Justin was talking about his new collection of Drew clothing. He seemed very excited to be expressing himself in other ways than just music. "Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked as he pulled out a phone to take down our order. "We would like some of your sushi, just choose what you think tastes good," Justin told the waiter, then he also ordered us something to drink; a glass of champagne for me and red wine for him. Justin knew how much I didn't like wine, but he also knew how much I loved champagne. It was very considerate of him to actually remember my preferences. The waited wrote it all down, then he grabbed the menus and told us he would be right back with our drinks, which he was. We immediately both raised our glasses and cheered, then we both took a sip and went back to our conversation about Drew clothing. The conversation just kept flowing as we ate. Things were just nice and easy between us.
Dinner went amazing, and suddenly it was almost midnight. I had hoped that Justin would take me back to his place so we could hang out a little more, but to my disappointment, he drove me straight home and walked me to my door. "Do you wanna come inside for a drink?" I asked him as we stood in my doorway. Justin looked down and sighed, "I better not" he then told me. "Oh" I whispered and then I looked down as well. "I would just really like to take things slowly and do things right" he explained, then he put his arm up on the doorframe and moved a few steps away from me. "But it's just a drink, I'm sure I have some wine stashed somewhere" I tried to be witty, but it clearly didn't work out the way I wanted it to since I couldn't even get a smile from Justin. I pursed my lips together and looked at everything but Justin. "Don't get me wrong, I would like to have a drink with you, but I'm afraid of where things might go afterward, and I'm just not ready to go any further than we are right now" he mumbled. I let out a small sigh and went a little further into my apartment. "I'm trying to avoid disappointment, at least for now" he continued, then he kissed the corner of my mouth and turned to walk away. It felt like my entire universe just turned on me, and I felt lost. How could I be a disappointment?
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