Imagine to @belieber_004!

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Imagine to @belieber_004
Everything had been falling apart lately. Justin and I barely saw each other anymore, because he had to finish his album before November.
Justin knew he was the only one keeping me on track. Before I met him I had was caught in a really bad depression, and I was cutting, more than I should, I shouldn't even be doing it!
But as I met down I cut down on it and started to get better, but lately had been so hard! I had no job, so I used all of my time at home doing absolutely nothing, and of course I had nothing better to do than scroll through Twitter and Instagram, only to read all those hate comments I would get. A few months ago the comments wouldn't have hurt me as much as they do now. But now that Justin and I only see each other in the mornings, it doesn't really help me...
Currently I was sitting in Justin and I's bedroom. I was ready to go to bed, since the clock had passed 12am...
I would have gone to bed hours ago, if it wasn't because Justin had texted me saying that he would be home by 9pm tonight, which he of course wasn't.
I was slowly scrolling through twitter as tears were running down my cheeks.
"Why would Justin even stay with you? You're just a pathetic loser with no friends and soon no boyfriend!" someone had commented, that tweet really hit me, because she was right. I had no friends, and soon I didn't have a boyfriend, because soon Justin would leave me, because I wasn't attractive or thin, at all!
I couldn't bare the aching in my heart, so I quickly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I got down on my knees in front of my little box with pads, I always had a blade in case of emergency, like this. Justin didn't know, and I wanted it to stay like this!
"This is for being a fat loser" I mumbled to myself as I sled the blade across my skin on my arm.
"This is for being pathetic!" I mumbled once again as I made an even deeper cut on my arm.
"This is for thinking Justin loves you" I continued, this time I cut even deeper. I went on and on until I was too dizzy. My eyes were slowly closing, and suddenly I had no control over my body, and the last thing I heard was Justin yelling my name...

∞ Justin's POV ∞
I had just gotten home from a long and stressful day, I was finally making the last touches on my album, and all I wanted to do was celebrating with Y/N, but I already knew she would be sleeping.
Lately I had just been so busy, I wanted to make this album perfect, for her.
She was the reason I even had an album to make. I had so many things I wanted to tell her, I just couldn't seem to get them out of my mouth, so I had written her a ton of songs, they just weren't perfect enough. Y/N deserved the world, she had been through so much in her really short life, so I wanted to give her all the good things.
After kicking off my shoes and taking my jacket off I went upstairs and into the bedroom, only to see an empty bed. I immediately got scared, what if she had left me? But I let go off my breath as I realized the light in the bathroom was turned on. I went over to the door and placed my ear on the door.
"This is for thinking Justin loves you" I heard her mumble to herself. Immediately my eyes got wide, and I hurried to open the door, or at least I thought so! Y/N had locked the door, so I wouldn't come into the bathroom and see her!
I started knocking on the door, but the only thing I heard was her mumbling harsh things to herself.
But suddenly she didn't say anything, the worriedness had taken over my body, so I kicked up the door and ran into the bathroom only to realize Y/N had passed out on the floor with a blade in her hand.
"Y/N!" I screamed, I hurried over to her and picked her up. I placed her on our bed and as fast as I could I found some bandage to wrap around her cuts.
After wrapping them tightly around her arm I picked her up again and ran downstairs. I had no trouble in carrying Y/N around, she was so thin, it was directly sick! But Y/N had always thought she was fat, it was like every time she would look at herself in the mirror, she would see this bigger girl, that didn't look like her at all. Some part of me had always thought she had anorexia.
I got my shoes on and grabbed my car keys, then I ran out to the car after locking the door and gently laid Y/N down on the backseat.
I hurried over to my side and got in, then I drove to the hospital as fast as I could.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks, Y/N's heart was barely beating, I couldn't bare loosing her, she was the most important person in my life! I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

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