𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜
I've always been fond of being by myself, some people might find that weird. But these summer nights walking through the park alone towards the lake is one of the rare things I would love to be able to share with someone other than myself, someone special. It's not that I haven't found the guy I want to take with me on these walks, but he's just not here with me. It's the summer break, and I've just gotten home to my parents after some intense months at college with lots and lots of exams that's brought me through hell and back. Nonetheless, I'm on the other side now, and I feel like I can finally breathe again. My parents are located in Florida, whereas I myself go to college in New York, so being able to actually take a walk in something other than central park is amazing. I breathe in the fresh air and gather my hair into a ponytail. It's only a quarter past nine so there are still some kids outside playing by the swings, and it's nice to hear the sound of their laughter. I've been spending my entire day inside since I used all of yesterday traveling homeward.
I decide to go through a tiny bit of trees to get to my favorite place in the park, where I know I'll be able to be alone. I'm convinced that not a lot of people know this path, but it leads to this tiny bridge by the lake, and I remember spending hours upon hours sitting on that bridge reading and sunbathing. I wish Justin would've considered going home with me, even if it was just for a few days. I would love to show him around my childhood town, and I'm sure he would love to sit on the bridge with me strumming on his guitar, maybe even take a swim. I push away the thought of being here with Justin and decide to take off my shoes. I then proceed to sit down by the edge of the bridge and dip my toes in the cold water.
A tiny gasp leaves my lips as I touch the water, but then a smile breaks through on my lips, and I lightly laugh at myself for forgetting how cold the water would actually be by this time at night. A slight breeze latches onto my bare arms, and I hurriedly grab my bag and pull out a cardigan to put on. Afterward, I grab my book and open up on the page I've last read. It had been a while since I'd had the time to sit down and read a good book because of college. Don't get me wrong, I love college, but sometimes my energy is completely drained by the end of the day, and all I wanna do is just lay in bed scrolling through TikTok, lame, I know...
I've probably read "Gone with the Wind" at least five times, but it's my favorite book, and frankly, it was the only book I had left at my parents' house when I left for college, so it had been a while since I'd last read it.
Only ten minutes after I'd begun reading my book, my toes were freezing, so I pulled them out of the water and wrapped a blanket around my legs. It was too early to leave the lake, but it was getting darker, so I pulled out my flashlight and kept reading. The wind was picking up, but I was determined to at least finish this chapter before going back to the house. The wind in the trees was too loud for me to keep my focus, so I grabbed my phone and found a playlist on Spotify to listen to as I read the last few pages of the chapter.
I had turned up the volume of the music so much that I didn't even hear someone walking through the woods and towards me. Okay, maybe I was also too caught up in my book, but the music was the main reason for me not hearing the person. I almost screamed as a sweaty hand was placed on my shoulder. The person had scared me so much that I'd thrown my book at the person only for the book to miss and fall into the water. I hadn't even realized who the person was until he started laughing.
"Justin?" I dumbly asked looking at the gorgeous man standing right in front of me hovering over me. Justin sent me his famous smirk and placed his hands in his pockets. "Your mom told me I could find you here, missed me, baby girl?" he cheekily asked, but I was in no mood to be teased. I quickly pushed the blanket off of my legs, stood up and jumped into the cold, cold water to save my book even though it was already too late. I went underwater and dove down to get my book and when I resurfaced Justin was standing by the edge of the bridge looking at me with wide eyes. "What the hell were you thinking," he asked as he helped me up on the bridge again. "Well... Maybe I wasn't really thinking, but you made me throw my book into the water, so I had to save it" I trembled. Justin shook his head and let out a tiny laugh, then he grabbed the blanket off of the bridge and proceeded to try and wrap it around me, but before he could do that, I hurriedly wrapped my soaking wet body around his and squeezed him tight. Justin screeched loudly and tried to get out of my embrace, but that only made me hug him tighter, soon after he gave up and hugged me back.
"I thought you were going back to Canada for the summer" I mumbled into his chest. I was really enjoying his hug, and it was so nice to finally smell his cologne again, even if it had only been a few days since we'd last seen each other. "It was the plan, but I saw how sad you were, when you dropped me off at the train station, so I canceled my flight and stayed with Ryan for a few days until I knew you'd be back in Florida," he told me, then he placed a kiss on my forehead and slowly let me go. "How long will you be staying?" I enthusiastically asked him as I wrapped the blanket tightly around my wet body. "As long as you'll have me," he told me. Justin wrapped his arms around me again and tried to get the warmth back into my body, but I already knew that the only thing that would give me back my warmth was a nice and steaming shower. "Though I did promise mom to bring you to Canada for you to meet her, so I hope you're up for that" he continued. I looked up and sent him a smile. Of course, I would go to Canada with him to visit his family. "I would love to," I told him, then I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his warm lips.
"Let's get you home, you're freezing" Justin laughed, then he grabbed my back and the drenched book in one hand and intertwined my hand with his other hand. I quickly put on my shoes and hurried to follow him. Luckily, I only lived a five-minute walk away from the park, so we were back at my parents' house in no time. My parents were sitting outside on the patio as we made it back to the house, so instead of walking into the house, we went through the garden to greet them. My mother immediately placed the wineglass back on the table and stared at me with an open mouth. My father had noticed my mother's facial expression, so he turned his head and soon after he was laughing. "I knew you would be happy to see Justin, but I didn't know you'd jump into the water because of it" he laughed. My mother laughed at my father's joke, but I simply rolled my eyes and put out my tongue at them. "Ha ha, he made me throw my book into the water, so I had to get it," I told them, then I gently pushed Justin to the side and walked in through the patio door to get inside the warm house.
Justin decided to stay outside on the patio with my parents as I showered and as I got back outside after my shower, I couldn't help but stand still in the doorway and admire how amazingly well Justin got along with my parents. I bit down in my lip and smiled brightly. This guy had just given me the best gift a girl could ever wish for, and he had made my entire summer. I couldn't wait to show him around my childhood town and create more amazing memories with him.
I hope you enjoyed reading this imagine; if you did, please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT 💞 I'll appreciate it ❤️
- Amalie

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanficThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...