Imagine to @Gionna_Vitale
I was furious! How could Justin say he stopped smoking, when he didn't?
I know I couldn't decide over his life, but he knew I didn't like the fact that he was smoking.
And sadly there was nothing I could do about it, because he was in Australia, and I was in LA.
I couldn't go with him to Australia, because I had work to do in LA, but I really felt like taking a week or two off just to get him back on track.
He really wasn't acting like himself anymore, and the pictures he had posted on Instagram of him counting money and all that made me so mad at him.
He promised he wouldn't go back to being badass Bieber, especially now that we were together again.
Last time I saw him smoke I actually broke up with him, because I didn't want to be around a smoker, also even though he had said it was just because he was stressed.I sighed and closed my MacBook, then I stood up and went into my boss' office.
"I'm taking the next few weeks off, I have some serious business to handle with Justin" I told her, Carina – my boss – nodded her head and smiled.
"You do that, you have been working really heart the last few weeks, so it's earned" she said, I nodded my head, then I grabbed my stuff and left.
I went home and ordered a ticket to Australia, then I packed a few bags and left.Finally, after 20 hours I arrived in Australia, Ihad talked to Scooter, and he was coming to pick me up. He had tried to talk toJustin about the cigarettes, but he just wouldn't listen to him.
"Hey Y/N, thanks for coming"Scooter said as he greeted me.
"Well, I want him to get backon track" I told him, Scooter nodded his head and took my bags.
"Well, Yael and I will be going home tomorrow, so I'm happy you got here thisearly" he said, I nodded my head, then I got inside the car, and Scooter droveus to the place Justin was staying at.
We both got out of the car andwent inside the house – we had left my belongings in the car -, then as weopened Justin came out there.
"Scooter, can we leave now?" he asked, he stopped walking, when he saw me.
"Baby, what are you doing here?" he asked as he came over to me. He came overto me and pulled me close, but I immediately pulled away from him and looked athim in disgust.
"You smell" I told him as I frowned, Justin chuckled and shrugged hisshoulders.
"Well, what can you do about it?" he asked, I rolled my eyes and walked inside.
"What are you even doing here?" he asked me,
"I'm here to make you regret that you smoked" I told him, then I took off myjacket and looked at him.
"But baby, I seriously only smoke, when I'm stressed" he whined, I shook myhead and sat down on a chair.
"Don't lie to me Justin! Don't you think I see the pictures on Instagram andTwitter?" I asked him.
Justin sighed and looked down in the ground. "You even posted a photo ofyourself on Fahlo, where you were sitting with a cigarette" I told him, Justinkept quiet, because he knew I was right.
"How long have you been doing it behind my back?" I asked him, Justin mumbledsomething, but I couldn't hear it...
"What?" I asked him as I took a step closer to him.
"A few months" he mumbled once again, but this time I heard him loud and clear.
"A few months?" I asked him as my eyes got wide. Why had I never smelled that?
"Yeah, I always went outside, and afterwards I just cleaned my mouth and put onmore cologne" he explained, I loudly sighed and rolled my eyes.
"How long were you gonna keep this from me?" I asked him as I crossed my armsover my chest.
"I don't know, I just think I would tell you eventually" he explained,
"Justin, we talked about this before! Remember the last time you smoked? Youalmost lost your career, because your voice got so raspy" I told him, Justingulped and nodded his head, then he grabbed the pack of cigarettes and walkedover to the garbage can in the kitchen, he made I was looking at him as hethrew out the last cigarettes. He sighed and walked over to me.
"I never meant for this to get serious again. I will stop, for you, and for mybeliebers, because you all mean so damn much to me" he explained as he wrappedhis arms around me, I made him let go off me as I made a face.
"You still smoke, so I would suggest you go shower, then we can hug and kiss" Itold him, Justin nodded his head, then he went upstairs and took a shower.
I decided to bring in my bags in the mean time. After unpacking a few things Isat down on the bed and looked at my phone, I had gotten Scooter to give me accessto the WIFI so that I could check the different social medias and get mailsfrom work.
"Baby?" Justin suddenly said, I looked up at him, only to see him completelynaked. I gasped and covered my eyes.
"Justin, put on some clothes" I whined, but it didn't seem like he waslistening, so I looked up and saw him standing right in front of me with hismember close to my face. I immediately leaned back and pushed him away.
"JUSTIN!" I yelled, Justin chuckled, then he got on top of me with a big smirk.
"Justin, stop!" I strictly told him, Justin shook his head and leaned down tomy neck.
"I missed my baby, and I'm planning on showing her" he whispered against myneck, then he placed a small peck on my sweet spot, I closed my eyes and took adeep breath. I couldn't take it anymore, so I grabbed his face and connectedour lips.
"Weren't we fighting?" Justin smirked as he pulled away after a few seconds, Irolled my eyes and made Justin lay on the bed, then I got on top of me.
"Just shut up" I told him, then I kissed his lips again. Justin sighed againstmy lips, and slowly he opened my jeans and pulled them down, but he had some troubledoing it.
"I know you look good in tight jeans and all, but why did they make them thistight, they're not very friendly" Justin groaned, I chuckled and got off him,then I pulled my jeans down and took off my top, then I got on top of himagain.
"You're so sexy baby" Justin moaned as I sat on top of his crotch. He moanedloudly as I started moving around, my thong was soaked, not only because of mywetness, but also because of the precum from Justin.
"You better do this so fucking sweet, because else I won't forgive you, and youwill regret it" I moaned in Justin's ear, then he turned us around and pulleddown my thong as I unhooked my bra, then a few seconds later he entered me,which caused me to moan loudly and close my eyes in pure pleasure.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT of FAN if you like my imagines!
- Amalie xo

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...