Imagine to @Justins1994
I never imagined I would have such a perfect life. I had a husband that most teenage girls would die to be married to, and now I was pregnant with his child, too. It's not because it's new, because I'm 8 and a half months along.
I had been looking forward to a day just Justin and I, at home, but when Justin had woken me up he told me to get ready, because we were going out. He must probably have thought I was so childish all morning, because I kept whining and trying to talk him into staying at home.
I wasn't because I didn't want to go out, it was just the fact that my ankles were so swollen, and I had so much in my body, so I didn't feel like doing anything.
"Come on baby, I just want to spend my day with you" Justin told me as he stood behind me in the bathroom - I was currently doing my makeup.
"But we could easily spend the day together, here, at home" I told him. Justin shook his head and walked closer to me. He placed his hands on my bump from behind.
"No, because I would get distracted and start doing other things, because I want everything to be perfect for, when our princess comes into this world" he told me, I sighed and placed my hands on top of his.
"Okay, but only because I also want to spend my day with you" I told him. Justin smiled wide, then he pecked my cheek and let go off me.
"Great, then get dressed, and I'll see you downstairs" he told me. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my bump.
"Your daddy is crazy baby girl" I told my soon to be daughter, she suddenly started kicking like crazy. I groaned a little bit, but then it turned into a little laughter.
She was going to be so amazing, my little princess.
I went into the walk-in closet and found something loose and simple to wear – I wasn't really in the mood for tight clothes today.
Since it was still summer and good weather, I decided to wear a sweater-dress in black with white details on the sleeves.
I pulled the dress over my head, then I grabbed a pair of black flip flops. I couldn't even wear a pair of sneakers, my ankles were too swollen.
I grabbed bag and my phone, then I slowly started walking down the stairs.
"Okay, great. We're leaving now, so if you can just be here in about 20 minutes, then Za will be here to open up for you" Justin said, he was probably talking to someone on the phone, but why couldn't we just stay at home to open up for the person who was coming?
Justin heard me coming down the stairs, so he hurried to end the call, then he helped me down the last few steps.
"She's in such a good mood today" I told Justin as our daughter started kicking again.
"She's daddy's girl" Justin smiled, then he bended down and kissed my bump.
I rolled my eyes and messed up Justin's hair, but lately he had been caring less about his hair, so it wasn't even fun anymore.
"You better get a haircut before our daughter will be born" I told him, now Justin was rolling his eyes.
"You know that she will be grabbing it, and she will have gross and sticky hand, right?" I asked Justin. Justin gulped and his eyes got wide.
"I haven't thought of that" he told me, "I will get Joey to cut my hair tomorrow" he continued. I nodded my head, then I grabbed his hand and went out to the car.
"So, where are we going?" I asked him, Justin smiled and shrugged his shoulders, then he started the engine and drove out of our driveway.
"You'll just have to wait and see" he told me, then he slowly started making his way to God knows where.Finally, 50 minutes later we arrived at this store in the middle of nowhere. I gulped and waited for Justin to come help me out of the car.
He did, then he grabbed my hand and lead me over to the door. We walked inside and got greeted by 2 young, sweet ladies.
"Hello, how may we help you?" one of them asked. I looked at Justin and furrowed my eyebrows.
It was really creepy in here.
"I'm Justin Bieber and this is my wife Y/N. I called about a specially made pram" Justin said, my eyes got wide and a huge smile crept onto my face.
But the smile quickly turned into a groan.
"Baby, are you okay?" Justin asked me. I nodded my head and started breathing in slowly.
"Yeah, our daughter is just more active than normal" I told him. The ladies smiled at us, then they went into the back of the room.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale" Justin said, he was so concerned.
"I'm fine, she's just in a good mood, how can you feel bad about that?" I asked him. Then the ladies came back with the cutest pram in purple. It even had our signature written on it. It was perfect, especially for our baby girl.
"It's perfect" Justin told the ladies. Both of them thanked him as I nodded my head in agreement.
"It is" I told them. I suddenly felt the urge to pee, so I asked the ladies if they had a toilet or something, which they had, so one of them showed me over to it.
I went inside and locked the door behind me.
I pulled down my panties and sat on the toilet, but the weird thing was that it wasn't pee that came out, no it was my water that had broken.
I gasped in excitement and rubbed my bump, then I dried myself and pulled up my panties again. I gasped as I felt the first contraction coming, these contractions were worse than the premonitory pains I had had before.
I grabbed the sink and held onto it was the contraction continued.
I had read in all of my books that you were supposed to go to the hospital before the contractions were 5-7 minutes apart, so I took it completely calm.
Finally the contraction ended, so I washed my hands and unlocked the door. I slowly walked back to Justin and the two ladies as I had a hand placed on my bag.
"Hey baby" Justin said as he pulled his credit card out of the machine.
"Good, you paid" I told him. Justin furrowed his eyebrows as he realized how low my voice was.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" he asked me as he went over to me.
"Oh, nothing else than your daughter, she's ready to meet us" I told him. Justin's eyes got wide, and he immediately started panicking.
"OMG, we have to get you to the hospital" he said. I shook my head and laughed a dry laughter.
"We don't need to rush. The nurses don't want me to come to the hospital before the contractions are 5-7 minutes apart" I told him.
"Well, how long are they apart now?" he asked me.
"Well, I have only had one, so at least 4 minutes now, but more time will pass until the next one" I told him. Justin gulped and took a few steady breaths.
"Okay" he said, he was so cute and so shocked.
"We better get going, thank you for the lovely pram" I told the ladies, they smiled and nodded their heads. They helped us out to the car and showed Justin how to fold the pram, so it was able to lie in the trunk.
"Thank you for your help, it was a pleasure" I told the ladies as I got inside the car. I closed the door behind me, then I waved as Justin drove away.
About 20 minutes passed until I got the next contraction. Justin got so scared that he parked the car in the side of the road and prepared himself for the worst.
"Justin drive, the longer you wait, the longer it will take up to come to the hospital" I told him strictly. Justin nodded his head and started driving again, and 4 contractions and 30 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Luckily we arrived just as the contractions were about 5 minutes apart.
"Hey Za, yeah we'll be a little late, Y/N went into labor, so if you could just take some pictures and send them to me, then I'll handle the rest" Justin told Za on the phone as we finally had gotten a room.7 straight hours later I was honored to say that Ihad given birth to the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She was perfect.
I held her close to my chest as I shushed at her, she was starting to moveagain. I nuzzled my nose against hers. Our princess had her tiny hands wrappedaround Justin's finger.
"You were so good baby" he told me, he kissed my forehead and rested his foreheadagainst mine.
"Thank you" I quietly told him, "What was Za going to send you pictures of?" Iasked him, it had been on my mind this whole time.
Justin smiled widely and pulled out his phone, he looked around for a bit, thenhe showed me the phone.
"I got a few professionals to make our daughters room, they only thing there isleft is a name on the wall" he told me. I smiled widely as I looked at thepictures of the nursery.
"It's perfect" I told him, Justin nodded his head and looked down at ourdaughter.
"What would you like to name her?" he asked me. Throughout the past 8 monthsJustin and I had been discussing baby names, but we hadn't found the mostperfect name, but I had an idea.
"How about Ava Isabella Bieber?" I asked him. Justin smiled widely and noddedhis head.
"It's absolutely perfect" he told me.
Our little Ava Isabella Bieber...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or FAN if you like my imagines.
- Amalie xo

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...