magine for @Lexiecake2041
Today was finally the day, I was finally going to see my long time best friend Justin again. He had been on tour for a year or so, and I had just really missed him! Last time Justin and I saw each other I had a boyfriend named Jake, we are not together anymore because he died in a car crash 5 months ago. And sadly we were expecting a child together, who is now born. We had gotten a little beautiful princess, or I had... Her name was Evelyn and she was everything I ever wanted. I couldn't wait for Justin to meet her; I had on purpose chosen not to tell Justin about Evelyn or Jake's car crash.
I woke up around 8 am because Evelyn was crying, she was probably hungry. I hurried out of bed and went over to my 3 months old little princess. I bended down over her and picked her up, then I put my thumb onto her lips, and immediately she started sucking, telling me she was hungry. I smiled and sat down on my bed, I pulled my shirt and bra down and then placed Evelyn in front of my breast. It didn't taker her long to find my nipple and start sucking. As I was breast-feeding Evelyn my phone went off. Luckily my phone was right beside me, so I picked it up and smiled, when I saw Justin was calling me.
"Hey" I quietly said as I accepted the call.
"Hey princess" Justin smiled.
"Hey, how was your flight?" I asked him as I kept my eyes on Evelyn.
"It was okay, now I just want to see my best friend" Justin whined, which made me chuckle.
"Well, when will you be here?" I asked him with a smile.
"In about half an hour, I'm just going to stop by mom" he told me, I nodded my head, but when I realized that he couldn't see me, I chuckled.
"Okay, well then I have time to take a shower and get ready" I told him, then Evelyn was done eating and let go of my breast.
"Yup, I will call you when I'm on my way" Justin said,
"Great, I'll see you then" I told him, and then we ended the call. I happily sighed as I pulled on my shirt again and placed Evelyn's head on my shoulder, so that I could burp her.
I have to say I had a crush on Justin. I had always had, and I would always have, so the fact that he would come visit me today was amazing.
After burping Evelyn, I went over to her crib again and placed her in it. I made sure she had her teddy bear, and then I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I quickly found a pair of black Dr. Denim pants, a cute, white top and a black blazer. For shoes I wore a pair of black Ballerinas and for hair I had just braided it and put it in a bun, and lastly my makeup was just BB-cream, eyeliner and mascara. I made my way out of the bathroom, and then I quickly picked up Evelyn and went downstairs to get something to eat, since Justin would be here any minute. I placed Evelyn in the small baby chair on the floor that could rock back and forth.
"What should mommy get for breakfast?" I asked Evelyn as I bended down beside her. Evelyn chuckled and clapped her tiny hands together as I made funny faces to her.
I chuckled, then I got up and found some toast and some jam. Then I went into the living room with Evelyn and ate my breakfast. And just as I finished the doorbell rang. I smiled widely, and then I stood up and ran to the door without Evelyn, she could be alone for a minute or two. I quickly opened the front door and smiled widely, when I Justin standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands.
"Hey" I chuckled, and then I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"I missed you" I told him as I hid my head in the crook of his neck.

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...