Imagine to @Jennifer_323
Today Justin and I had been at our 5 months checkup at the doctors, I was pregnant with our first child, a boy to be exact, and I was so excited, so was Justin.
"I'm glad everything is okay," Justin said as he started the engine. I nodded my head and placed my hand on my still growing belly.
"Can we go out for lunch? I'm starving, and I don't really feel like making some food" I told Justin, Justin placed his hand on my thigh and smiled widely.
"Of course, where do you wanna go?" he asked me as he rubbed my thigh and kept his eyes on the road.
"Can we get Chipotle? It's been long since we last went there" I told him, Justin nodded his head, then he turned left at the next traffic light.
We finally arrived at Chipotle. Justin was quick to get out of the car, then he came over to my side and helped me out of the car.
It was getting harder for me to get in and out of the car, but luckily Justin was such a gentleman, so he was always there to help me.
We went inside Chipotle and luckily there weren't that many people there, so there was no need for Justin and me to sit in the corner somewhere.
Justin and I walked up to the cashier and looked at the menu.
"What would you like baby?" he asked me, and he didn't have to ask me twice because I already knew, what I wanted.
"I'll have a bowl with chicken, cilantro-lime white rice, fresh tomato salsa, and guacamole," I told him, Justin chuckled and pecked my cheek, then he placed his hand on my belly.
"I love you so much," he told me, then soon after it was our turn to order.
"Hello, how may I help you?" a beautiful waitress said as she smiled widely.
"M'lady will have a bowl with chicken, cilantro-lime white rice, fresh tomato salsa and guacamole, and I'll have a burrito with barbacoa, fajita veggies, tomatillo green chili salsa and cheese" Justin explained as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"Yes, besides drink, is there anything else you'd like?" she asked, Justin was about to say no, but I made him look at me.
"Can we get some chips and guacamole?" I asked him, Justin nodded his head, and so did the waitress as she typed it on the screen.
After ordering our drinks, we sat down at a table with all our food. I heavenly sighed and put a chips in my mouth, then I leaned back in my seat and smiled at Justin.
"What's up?" he asked me as he took a bite of his burrito. I shrugged my shoulders and took in a deep breath.
"I just love you" I cheekily told him, Justin wiggled his eyebrows and puckered his lips as he leaned over the table.
I leaned forward and pecked his burrito-tasting lips, Justin pulled away, and I licked my lips to get the salsa off my lips.
"Mhh" I moaned as I smirked, Justin winked at me, and then we both started laughing, but I immediately stopped as I felt something weird inside of me, it was kinda like a few bubbles popping, but also some other weird feeling.
"What's going on?" Justin asked as he looked at me with concern written all over his face.
"I think our baby boy just kicked or something," I told Justin as I smiled widely. Justin's eyes got wide and the biggest smile formed on his plump lips.
I quietly gasped as I felt a kick, and it was definitely a kick this time. I mentioned for Justin to come sit beside me, which he did.
I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly right where our baby boy had kicked, and then a few seconds later he kicked again. Justin gasped and looked me in the eyes.
"He's kicking!" he quietly squealed, I nodded my head and giggled. Hormones suddenly made their way through my body, and soon after a few tears ran down my cheeks.
"Do you remember, what the doctor said the first time we went to an appointment?" I asked Justin, Justin shook his head and raised an eyebrow.
"What did he say?" he asked me as he caressed my belly that was covered in a black t-shirt that I had paired with a pair of light blue jeans, a leather jacket and a pair of black boots.
"He said that the first time we felt out baby kick we should be prepared, because exactly 4 months later he would wanna come out" I told him (This is actually true, I don't know, where I know it from, but I just know that I was fascinated of it, so I always remembered, and a doctor confirmed it for my cousin, when she was pregnant, and my sisters mother-in-law experienced it).
"Whoa, so in exactly 4 months our baby boy will see the world for the first time?" Justin asked me, I nodded my head and smiled widely.
"Whoa," Justin said once again, I nodded my head and agreed with him. Suddenly 4 months didn't seem like a long time!
Justin pecked my lips, then he went back to his own seat and took a bite of his burrito.
I felt my stomach growl, which made Justin chuckle.
"You better eat baby, our little baby boy is hungry" he chuckled, I chuckled, too and took a bite of my delicious food. I moaned of the taste and took another bite.
Soon after both Justin and I had finished our food. Since Justin had already paid we just left.
"Wanna stop by your mom's place? She texted me a little while ago, and I know she's excited to know how the appointment went" I asked Justin, Justin nodded his head, then he drove off towards his mom's house.
Not long after we arrived at her place, and once again Justin helped me get out of the car.
"Thank you," I told him, then I pecked his lips.
I grabbed my bag and went over to the front door, I didn't knock, I just went inside.
"PATTIE!" I yelled as I took off my shoes. I walked into the living room and saw Pattie sitting on the couch. She immediately stood up as she heard my footsteps.
"Y/N, what a nice surprise!" Pattie excitingly said as she hugged me. I hugged her back, then Justin made it into the living room and said hello to his mom.
"Hey mom" Justin smiled. Justin and Pattie had had a long time, where they hadn't been talking, but luckily I changed that! I knew Justin had been ashamed of himself and the way he acted, so he had kept a distance to his mom, which was very sad, but luckily everything was back at normal.
"So, how did the appointment go?" she asked as she made us sit on the couch.
"Everything is perfectly fine," Justin told her, Pattie smiled widely and clapped her hands together.
"We actually felt him kick today, it's the first time!" I told Pattie, Pattie's eyes got wide and a huge smile formed on her lips.
"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! That must mean I get to see my grandson in 4 months" she said, I nodded my head, and so did Justin.
And it was true because exactly 4 months later I gave birth to Justin and I's baby boy, whom we named William Drew Bieber.
Please VOTE, COMMENT or FAN if you like my imagines!
- Amalie xo

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionThis will be a story filled with imagines about Justin Bieber! I hope you will enjoy reading these imagines, because I really enjoyed writing them! And if you do like them, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT or ADD this story to your library! * I'll s...