Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a family which was called by 'Kim's family'. Don't think it's a King and Queen story. It's a normal story. Well..I will continue. The Kim's family lives in Bangladesh. Mr. Kim is a very famous businessmen in South Korea. But he have also a business in Bangladesh. Now they are in hospital, waiting for their new baby girl. After some hours, they found their baby girl. Mr. Kim has a little boy, but now he have a girl also. They were so happy.

Mr. Kim:" girl is so... beautiful and cute. She is so sweet."
He said while holding his girl in his arms.

Tae(his son):"Dad, will she call me oppa?"he said in a exciting voice

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Tae(his son):"Dad, will she call me oppa?"he said in a exciting voice.

Mr.Kim:" son. She will."

Tae:"I can't wait to hear 'oppa' from her."he exclaimed in joy.

Mr.Kim:"I think, our girl will be a sweet and merciful girl. She will respect everyone. She will be a very good and honest girl."he said while looking at her girl.

After 5 years.....

Tae:"Mom....y/n bite me."he cried.

Mrs.Kim:"Why, what happened?"she said in a worried voice.

Y/n:"He ate a part from my chocolate bar."she said angrily.

Mrs.Kim:"Oh..y/n. He is your brother. You can share with him."

Y/n:"No, way. I can't share my food with anyone. If you eat my food again in future, I will definitely kill you with my bare hands."she warned and went away from the room. Her father saw everything. Mr. And Mrs. Kim was shook. They didn't thought their girl will be this.

When Y/n was 17.......

At lunch time, everyone was in the living room. But another one was in this room also. Y/n's mom and her brother was sitting on the couch watching some movies, y/n was sitting on the couch watching some dramas in her phone. Her dad was sitting on the couch with y/n and a girl, I mean his assistant. Her name is Lee Choyeong and she is from South Korea. She was literally flirting with him. Her mom saw this but didn't said anything. But, y/n is not a person to remain silent. So, let's watch what she did.

Ms.Lee(the assistant):"Umm..sir. You are looking sooo handsome today."she said in a Sweet voice.

Mr.Kim:"Oh. Really..Thank you very much. You are looking beautiful too."

Ms.Lee:"You know, you can wear this casual clothes at office rather than suits. You look perfect in this."
Mr.Kim smiled widely at her comment. Suddenly Ms.Lee throw her pen on the ground on-purpose. She went to garb it. After holding it she turned to sit again but this time she did some trick. She slipped purposely and screamed..

Ms.lee:"Mr.Kim....."Mr.Kim rushed towards her and held her hand. He  helped her to sit on the couch.

Ms.lee:"Thank you Mr.Kim."

Mr.Kim:"No.. it's okay."

Ms.lee:"Awww..Mr.Kim. You are soooo sweet."she held a hand of Mr.Kim. Mr.Kim didn't pushed it away. Suddenly he saw his wife was giving him death glare.

Mr.Kim:"Tha-uh....thank you.."he pushed her hand away this time. Now it's time for fun.

Y/n:" Why did you pushed her hand away? She was trying to flirt with you. You should also flirt back, cause she is trying so hard."everyone was shocked. She was too straightforward.

Y/n:"Umm..Ms.lee. I think, you should sat on my dad's lap. Just only holding hand is not enough. Actually my mom touched his whole body. And see, she is his wife. If you want too, then sat on his lap. Go, go." They didn't said anything.

Ms.lee:"Excuse me y/n. Are you trying to tell me that I am a slut?"she said angrily.

Y/n:"No, I am not saying that. I am saying, you are a hoe."Tae burst into Lough. Her mom was loughing quietly. Her dad didn't said anything. Cause he knows he can't stop what is happening right now. He knows his daughter too well.

Y/n:", dad. Come with me plz." She held their hands and drag them to their room. She pushed her dad into the room and gave her mom a stick. Her mom was confused as well as her dad.

Y/n:"Mom..just follow my advices, okay."her mom nodded.

Y/n:"Firstly, enter the room and then close the door. Then held this stick tightly and beat dad roughly. Specially on his right palm as you know this hoe touched there. Just remember,
"If anyone go to the wrong path, then tell him to go to the right path. If he don't understand,.....then make him understand by your own way."got it?"her mom understood and nodded. With a smirk her mom went to the room. She can see her dad freak out when he saw the stick. Her mom closed the door and she went towards the living room and saw Ms.lee was standing their like a fool. Suddenly they heard a scream from upstair.



Sounds were coming from the room. She turned to look at Ms.lee.

Y/n:"Oh..and you. You are fired from the company. Find another boss and try to hit him. Hopefully you will success."she said in a 'no care' tone. Ms.lee's eyes were widen.

Ms.lee:"What? No...mam. Don't do this. I am a Korean. How will I found a job here easily? This is Bangladesh."she started begging and crying.

Y/n:"That's not my responsibility. Guards, take this shit away. No, sorry. Throw this shit away." Guards came and drag her away.

Tae:" are too straightforward." They heard a scream from their dad again.

Y/n:"Do you want this?"she said coldly pointing to their parents room. Her brother quickly shake his head as a ' no' as he was afraid. She smirked and went to couch after saying,

Y/n:"Good then."

Hello Guys...This is the first chapter of this story. I don't know how it is, but I hope you will like it. Firstly, I will write about y/n. Then slowly we will meet Astro. So, wait till then. And she is not just straightforward, she is too much also. You will know more about her. Now plz vote and comment. I will update soon my readers. Bye bye..💖💖

Is She A Nerd?/Astro #Moonbin Fanfiction//#Astro¶ (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now