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Aloha laid next to Skull's corpse, trying to pretend everything was normal.

"Do you like the weather?" Aloha smiles at the fresh corpse. He waited for an answer, nothing. "Yeah, me too."

Aloha lays on the grass and cloud gazed.

"Just like old times, huh Skully~?" Aloha started to play with Skull's semi-cold hand, slapping it between his hands.

"Old times..."

Aloha stays cloud watching. He wanted to think he was just sleeping next to him, but he knew he couldn't.

"Aloha? Skull? What are you two doing?" a dry voice calls. Mask was looking for Aloha, and found the two.

Aloha didn't reply. Instead he looked at Mask with his pink sorrowful eyes.

"What happened—"

"He was swimming. We were swimming. Right as I went to shower, he stopped swimming, and laid there..." Aloha's voice was raspy, and sounded like he was about to cry.

"What? Skull drowned?!" Mask became shocked.

"Toaster... in pool... Skull..." Aloha started crying again. Covering his watery eyes with his arm. Mask didn't know what to do, so he stood there in front of him.

"B-But... that's impossible right?! The power is out—" Mask pauses to think more into it.

"The complex... wasn't effected, i guess...?" Aloha sputtered in between sobs.

Mask pulls Aloha to his feet. Aloha clumsily hugs Mask with comfort, and for the first time, Mask hugged back. His embrace became tighter than Aloha. Mask too, wept a little.

Mask and Skull were really close, besides Desi and Aviator. Both of their families grew up together, they had each other. Until events of Skull's family arisen, Mask and Skull were apart until school started up for them. Even if Desi and Aviator followed Mask and Skull like little dogs, it still brought them closer.

"How are we going to tell Aviator..." Aloha sniffles, looking up at Mask.

"Honestly I do not know, but he's going to be heartbroken," Mask sighed.

"As all of us are now..." Aloha sniffles.

Mask sighs, "we probably should let him know then." Aloha nodded, and both of them walked off to find the purple inkling.

The echo of Mask and Aloha's footsteps were the only thing audible in the silent dark school. Their flashlight was flickering.

Down the hallway, two figures were talking faintly to one another. As the two came closer, the figures in their vision was Vintage and Aviator. Aloha grew very nervous.

"Hey," Mask called out to the two, both Vintage and Aviator turn to the other two inklings.

"Mask! Aloha! Thank goodness you guys are here. Do you have any idea where Skull might be?" Aviator asks desperately.

"About that..." Aloha began, then paused seeing both eyes on him. "He... was murdered."

Aviator was shocked, he stood completely still like a deer in headlights. Vintage, on the other hand, crossed his arms, "Weak. How was he murdered?"

Aloha took a deep breath. "Someone threw a toaster into the pool while he was swimming. It happened when I took a shower at the complex."

"Toaster? We are in a power outage, silly."

"Yes, we are. But the complex still has power, and whoever did it, they successfully... electrify him.." Aloha's breath became more shakier as he remembered everything.

Aviator was breaking down like Aloha. "A-Aloha... please don't joke about this-"

"I'm not. I'm sorry Avi."

Aviator lunged at Aloha into a sloppy hug, and cried in his shoulder. Aloha just softly hug back, silently crying.

"Hate to break your sob party, but how did you find Skull?" Vintage wondered.

"We both were swimming... then I left to shower off. There was a unsettling sound and I walked out of the locker room and he was dead." he explained in further detail.

"And how are we to believe you weren't the one who did it, hmm, Aloha?"

"What do you mean Vintage?"

"If it was just you two there from what you explained, nobody else would have walked in. Not only that, you knew the complex has electricity but not bothering to tell any of us." Vintage smirked.

"Why would I kill Skull? We were close..." Aloha glared at Vintage.

"Again, this was based on your side of the story. I'm not trying to make immediate assumptions, like you little-"

"Okay guyys. That wiill beeee enoouugh noww." Mask stops the two before it could get ugly. "Now we know not all buildings are out of power. We can use it to our advantage to charge our phones and get the fuck out of his school."

Vintage and Aloha would look away from one another. Only sound that was heard was Aviator sobbing into Aloha's shirt.

— — —

Nana walked down the halls of male dorms to find her brother Hachi. The halls were extra quiet today, due to the murders, but as a sibling she had to make sure Hachi was okay. She stood in front of the door, room 106.

"Hachi?" she knocked on the door. "I brought you our favorite snack-" the door creaked open after she gave a few knocks.

Nana hesitantly opens the door, there was two people in there. One of them, Stealth Goggles, was strangled into the hands of the hooded person. Before Nana could run or scream for help, the hooded person dragged her in.

"Wh-What...?! You're-"

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