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"Halfrim? You alright?" Goggles stutters, asking the green inkling who was catching his breath. Rider was beside Goggles, helping Halfrim up.

"Gloves... *huff*... they murdered him..." Halfrim pants.

"Wait... when was this?" Rider raises his eyebrow.

"J-Just now..."

"Interesting... this might mean there's multiple murderers running around..." Goggles concluded.

"How so?"

"Someone tried to dowse us with some liquid of sort... we moved away quickly but then FullMoon slipped and cracked her head open on the stairs just barely," Rider explains.

"Seems like there is multiple..." Halfrim fixes his glasses.

"Maybe people might know who and how it happened?" Goggles wondered.

"We don't know who the hell the murderer is, and then they'll be after us," Halfrim grunts. "Anyway, have fun trying to find them, I'm not risking my life."

"Well if you don't help all of us are going to end up dead!" Goggles grabs his arm, pulling him back.

"I can't help you because I can't trust you! Honestly you can't trust anyone now because maybe one or both of you are the murderers," Halfrim snapped and pulled his arm back.

Rider stands besides Goggles. "C'mon, if he's not going to help us, then we must do it ourselves right?"

"...Y-Yeah..! You're right," Goggles forces a smile upon his gentle face. The two inklings walk towards the dorms.

— — —

"Have you seen Army?" Blue Sailor taps Aloha's shoulder.

"He's with Forge, I thought you were with them," Aloha shrugs.

"Oh... nah I was in my dorm for a bit."

"How are you... holding up?"

"Barely I guess. Why does that concern you?" Blue harshly glares at Aloha.

"Because everyone is being slaughtered, close friends and others we never really noticed," Aloha replies.

"Anyways I'm going to find Army, bye bitzi fenghong," Blue Sailor huffs and leaves Aloha in the hall.

"Maybe you should actually learn Chinese before using google translate huh?" Aloha mumbles and starts walking down the hall back to his dorm.

Blue Sailor wanders for a long time until he caught a glimpse of Army and Forge in the library. He joins them at one of the table, readjusting his beret.

"Hey Blue," Forge smiles.

"Hi...." Blue Sailor yawns, Army was too focused in his manual, so he didn't really bother with greeting Blue at all. "Where's the librarian?"

"I don't know, all of the staff just randomly vanished..." Forge yawns, standing up. "I'll be back."

Blue Sailor then looks back at Army after the orange female left. He softly taps Army's shoulder, which made Army jump a little.

"Dusht!" Army accidentally screeches.

"O-Oh... sorry Army." Blue Sailor flinches from that.

"Please... please don't do that again,"

"Yes sorry... but Army?"

"Hmm?" Army softly closes his manual.

"Hold out your wrist," Blue Sailor commands, Army does so. Blue carefully slips the beaded bracelet that was supposed to be his from White Sailor. Army watches him, blushing slightly.

"Where did you get this?" Army pulls his hand away once the bracelet was gently wrapped around his creamy wrist.

"It doesn't matter where I got it... but I thought to take stress off of you and give you that present," Blue Sailor blushes.

"O-Oh... well, thank you Blue," Army kind of smiles.

Forge comes rushing back with her amber eyes widen with fear. "I-Inkfall is dead! I s-saw th-them! The murder is—!" Forge cries until the blade of an eight inched knife entered the surface of her head. Her face changes from fear, to horrid shock as she felt the cold liquid from her head started to erupt out of her.

39 out of 51 remaining...


•bitzi fenghong -- "pink bitch" in chinese
•dusht -- "Shit" in hindi

Sorry for not updating in ages, i guess i was on veryyyy long hiatus...

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