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Skull brings Aviator to his dorm, pulling him onto his bed, hugging him.

"You'll be ok Avi..." Skull hugs Aviator tighter, rubbing his back.

"They're both dead!" Aviator croaks, sobbing into Skull's shoulder.

"Yeah, and there's nothing anyone can do to fix it... trust me I know," Skull tries to calm Aviator down. "Remember? Since I was 11 I had to deal with my father's death... it was too much to handle when I was so young. Loss is hard, I know that. Please believe me when I say you will be okay, because... you have me to get through it."

The door flies open as Diver struts into the room coolly. "Oh? Hey you two~" he waves. "What are you guys doing back so early~?"

"I can ask the same question," Skull pulls away, looking at the snickering inkling.

"Aloha passed out at gym, who knew he was hypoglycemic~?" Diver climbs on the bunk where Aloha laid.

"And the nurse trusts you?"

"I only insisted~, besides I needed an excuse to leave that hell hole," Diver leans against the wall, watching the sleeping Aloha. "So what are you two doing here? Unless you two are trying to get into each other's pants."

"Stitch and Paisley are dead-" Aviator blurts out. The silence filled the dorm.

"Their deaths probably involves with Headphones doesn't it? How were they dead?" Diver becomes curious of the topic.

"Both had slits throats and bled to death... also do you know any other languages besides English?" Skulls explains. "Only English and Sign Language... sorry," Diver shakes his head.

Aloha suddenly wakes up, confused he looked around the room. "The hell?"

"You passed out... again," Diver explains to his pink best friend.

"Aloha... do you know other languages?" Aviator sniffles.

"Russian, ASL, Mandarin, Hindi, and Spanish... why?" Aloha answers, making their lives way easier.

"We need you to translate some writing..." Aviator stands up.

"Where at?"

"Just come with us," Skull impatiently drags Aloha down from his bed.

"You guys I don't feel too good," Aloha sighs.

"We can get you something from the vending machines, come on," Skull carefully pulls Aloha out of their dorm along side Aviator. The arrive at the horrifying janitors closet.

"Why the hell did you bring me to the janitor's closet?" Aloha questions both Skull and Aviator sassily. Skull hesitantly re-opens the closet to both Stitch and Paisley's dead bodies.

Aloha merely gagged at the sight of the girls. "That writing," Skull points to the blood printed writing. Aloha quickly looks away from the corpses and examines the words.

"никто больше не приветствуется...."

"So? What does that say?" Aviator asks Aloha desperately.

"Nobody is welcome anymore...? It's some sort of threat, kind of clever of them to write in Russian," Aloha translates, suddenly falling backwards.

"We better feed you now..." Skull catches him before he hits the ground, helping Aloha back up.

"Xiex- thanks..." Aloha weakly smiles. The three takes a trip to the vending machines; Aviator buys Aloha lemonade, himself a Pepsi, and Skull buys himself skittles.


"Yeah, a lot better... thanks again." Aloha starts drinking down his lemonade.

— — —

"Why do you think Headphones killed herself?" Afro brings up one of the dead victims within Hachi's and part of Army's team.

"I honestly don't know or care, but she did seem a little off few days ago," Forge sighs, drinking her juice box.

"It sucks, I wonder how Goggles is dealing with it..." Hachi frowns, hugging one of his knees in the chair.

"You're still crushing on that blue squid? When will you realize he doesn't like you back, and likes that Rider kid?" Nana chuckles.

"H-Hey! Headphones was one of his closest friends! Is it so bad that I worry how he's coping with his friend gone?!" Hachi frustratedly snaps at his sister.

"How cute~" White Sailor giggles.

"I mean... I do worry about Goggles and the rest of his teammates, especially Bobble. Bobble and Headphones were like sisters..." Forge says as she chucks her juice box in the garbage.

"Headphones' sudden death has been really affecting everyone... kind of a bummer..."

Blue Sailor mutters as he writes random stuff in his notebook.

"Well yeah! She's fucking dead Blue!" Pony growls at the orange inkling.

"Guys... let's not fight, yeah it's been a hard day but we need to stay positive and focus on good grades," Hachi tried calm the group down.

"Hello where's Hachi? I don't remember having Goggles in this conversation," Forge and Nana chants, giggling.

"D-Don't be mean!" Afro defends his octolings friend Hachi.

"We're not being mean, just teasin him," Nana ruffles both Hachi and Afro's head.

The bell rings for everyone to leave lunch and go to their classes. "Welp, see you guys later!" Afro stands up, followed by Pony, Blue Sailor and White Sailor.

"Have fun in gym..." Hachi smiles and leaves to his class.

The four walked down to the gymnasium, going to their locker rooms to change into their gym uniforms. The four of them reunites back into the gym.

"Weird... I didn't think it's just the four of us in gym..." Blue Sailor finishes tying his shoes.

"Yeah, I thought we were supposed to meet in here," White Sailor agrees.

"Maybe we go outside this time?" Afro suggests.

Suddenly a gunshot was fired towards Blue Sailor. White Sailor quickly shoves Blue Sailor out of the way, painfully taking the bullet into her heart. Blue Sailor panics and hides, and Afro and Pony tries to run out of the gym. Pony accidentally trips Afro, having him getting tightly tangled into a volleyball net.

"Afro!" Pony tries to help him out, Afro slowly dies from being choked by the net.

The masked murderer holds out the gun and shoots Pony's brain out. Pony falls over and onto Afro's corpse, her blood gushing crazily out of her head. The murderer grunts, reloading their gun and looks for the last one alive. Blue Sailor hid incredibly well and away from the killer.

"Dammit..." they mumble, leaving the gym.

Blue Sailor slowly leaves where he was hiding, slowly going towards White Sailor.

She was barely living, "...Blue...? W-what are you... still doing here...?"

"Please don't die..." Blue Sailor tears up.

"Blue..." White Sailor's voice becomes raspier.

"Yeah?! What is it White?!" Blue leans down to hear.

"Я люблю тебя...."

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