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Aviator made it to Skull's dorm as Desi was reading a book. He looked over at the sobbing inkling. "Avi..? You okay?"

Aviator did not reply, instead just sobbing. It caused Desi to get off of the top bunk and sit down next to the purple inkling.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do you need Skull? He should be around-"

"S-Sk..ull... Skull's dead..." Aviator sobs.

"What?! For real?" Desi hopped off the top bunk, walking over to Avi.

"Yeah,, someone electrocuted him. Who would do that..." Aviator removed his shades to wipe his tears away. "He looks intimidating, I know... but... why..."

Desi had to think to himself, as he rubbed Aviator's back. He just stayed for him. Aviator leans on his shoulder.

"Is his corpse fresh?" Desi asked quietly.

"Uh.. I would g-guess so..?" Desi then fell silent again, Aviator's sobs were becoming less audible.

Designer Headphones was so tempted to try his very first ghost channeling, since he has been medium training. It would be the right time to do it, but in front of Aviator? His energy was fragile, let alone his friend just died. Would he be able to handle it correctly.

Desi sighs, then asks Aviator. "What if I... ask him?"

Aviator sits up and looks Desi in the eye. "Ask him..?"

"Ask who killed him... he barely died right? It would be fresh on his spirit's mind."

Aviator's eyes widen. "Are you a medium? Can your really do that?!" Desi nods.

Aviator nods. "PLEASE!"

"Okay... this is my first time. I don't know if it will work but please,, don't tell anyone I practice this..." Desi shushes Aviator quickly. "If people know, I would be the next target."

"My lips are sealed... Sorry for being loud, I desperately need to know."

"Do not worry Aviator. But please, don't be mad at me if it doesn't work, this is my first time." Desi sighed and sits on the floor.

"Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Just your silence will be enough." Desi smiled and closes his eyes. He started channeling himself into the spirit realm to reach for spirits and instantly got an attachment, but it wasn't from Skull. Soon, more spirits were trying to speak to Desi, but he only kept his energy on Skull.

Several minutes flew by, almost to hours passing, and Desi could not find Skull's soul. Aviator was becoming impatient, but remained on Skull's bed, slowing his breathing. It was almost to the point where Aviator was praying Desi could find Skull.

Few more moments of silence, and Desi's eyes shot open, his breathing irregular. Some tears fell from his face as he was staring into nothing, Avi just watched from the bed.

"So..?!! Did it work?!"

"I.. can feel the shocks... the green figure..." Desi stuttered. "Halfrim... thought Skull was a murderer..."

— — —

Goggles woke up from his long nap, realizing nobody else was in the dorm with him. It was not settling for the blue inkling and he decided to go seek for anyone so he wasn't alone; less risk of murder.

He grabbed his phone for a flashlight and walked down the echoey hall. He was shaking from how cold the atmosphere had become, he was also calling out names to see if anyone was near by.

His wandering lead him farther down the boy's dorms, stench of blood caught his attention.

"Someone must of already died... I'm too late.."

Goggles still followed the stench to Hachi's dorm, he knew someone would be dead in there, but that didn't stop his hand from opening the door. Stealth's body remained in there along with Nana's fresh corpse, that was torn into pieces.

"Oh.. OH.. OH MY COD!"

Goggles shrieked, as he was about to gag. He dashed from the sight and to a "safe place" in a bathroom stall to throw up. Goggles was known to be squeamish, and the more he thought of that image the more he gagged into the toilet bowl.

He stopped vomiting eventually, and wiped it off his mouth with a towel. He quickly flushed it and peaked out the hallway. Still empty. Goggles was ready to book it.

And he did. He ran as fast as he possibly could just to find anybody alive. He tripped over Clip-On's semi rotting corpse, which sped up his running.

As he passed the stairwell, he could hear struggling noises from the top.
"Someone, someone is up there!"
Goggles started to head up that way as the struggling sounds started to fade, and it became silent.

As Goggles looked upward, liquid was shot into his eyes and began burning his eyeballs. The way it was whistling and popping, Goggles screamed in pain.

Footsteps were coming toward him from the stairs, Goggles was covering his eyes and dashed out the stairwell making much noises as possible to get help.

He kept running, until he bumped into Hachi. "HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!" Goggles was crying as his eyes were being destroyed.

"Woah, woah woah, Goggles!" Hachi grabbed his shoulders. "Who did this to you?!"

"HELP! HELP PLEASE! RIDER?! RIDER!!!" Goggles kept screaming and shaking uncontrollably. His eyes were more than just bleeding, which made Hachi sick to his stomach.

"U-Um.. let's get you to the medic room!" Hachi pulled Goggles's to the empty nurse's office and sat him on the bed.

Goggles could not stay still and was squirming from Hachi. That's when Rider ran in.

"I heard Goggles calling for me-"

"Rider! Thank cod you're here please hold him down!" Hachi was now grabbing cleaning medicines.

"What?! What are you doing to him?!!"

"Rider, please just help! A really bad chemical got in his eyes and clearly his eyesight is ruined! Best thing we can do is clean and help him!"

Rider nod and softly held Goggles down, softly talking to him. He was calming down, not so much after Hachi cleaned his damaged eyes. Hachi starts wrapping bandage over Goggle's eyes, as it was not a pretty sight to see mangled eyes.

— — —

We stood there in silence and his cold stare looked at me.

"If you tell anyone what just happened, you bet your ass is dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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