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Army alone walks down the halls until he hears the open sobs coming from the gymnasium. The curious orange inkling wanders inside the enormous gym, with his fiery orange eyes widen in fear. Army walks over to Blue Sailor, who was crying over White Sailor's corpse. "B-Blue Sailor?" Army stutters in fear, when suddenly Blue Sailor tightly hugs him. Army tenses up from how tight his teammate was hugging him.

"Someone shot them, someone shot White, and Afro, and Pony-" Blue Sailor blabs on to Army, slowly he would suffocate Army with his hug.

"B-Blue... y-you're choking me..." Army croaks, but Blue Sailor still doesn't let go.

"One targeted at me and White Sailor took the bullet when I should of and she whispered something that was hard to understand and-"

"Blue... it's ok..." Army chokes, Blue Sailor pulls away from the hug. "Who shot them..?"

"I don't know... I hid as soon as the bullet hit white... and I bet they're after me now and they'll kill me..." Blue Sailor sobs, sniffling in between words.

"Blue Sailor... look at me," Army grabs a hold of Blue Sailor's shoulders, having his tan teammate look up at him. "You better not be messing with me, but no matter what Forge and I will let nobody hurt you, and you know that," Army says loud and secured, making Blue Sailor's heart flutter in love.

"Th-Thanks..." Blue Sailor sniffles, wiping his tears away with his sleeve.

"We better leave, come on..." Army helps him up and makes his way to the exit. The chilling cold lemonade spills onto army's sweater, along with Aloha trip and falls into his arms.

"Baoqi- sorry Army! Are you okay?" Aloha stands up after being caught.

"Oh cod don't worry about me, are you alright?" Army locks his eyes on Aloha's pink soft ones.

"Yeah..." Aloha nods.

"Where were you at mathematics?!"

"I passed out at gym... the nurses wanted me to rest..."

"Did you not eat? You know you're hypoglycemic..." Army worriedly grabs Aloha's shoulders. Aloha didn't make eye contact with Army, so he took it as a no.

"Aloha you'll worry all of us sick if you don't eat..." he frowns. Army and Aloha walk away, with Army lecturing him about food.

Blue Sailor walks out of the gym finally, seeing the orange and pink inkling leaving him behind as he took it. "Damn you Aloha..." Blue Sailor curses under his breath, going down the opposite way from the gym.

— — —

Army made sure Aloha got back to his dorm safely, due to some events happening around this school. "So according to Blue Sailor, White Sailor told him something in a different language correct?" Aloha, before opening the dorm, asks Army suddenly.

"Yeah that's correct, why do you ask?"

"Because... there's been another murder, around noon I guess?"

"Y-You serious?!"

"There was blood on the wall... it was written in Russian.."

"White Sailor is Russian, but th-that couldn't be her..!"

"Who knows..." Aloha opens the door to his dorm. "Wan'an... Army."

"Sleep well Aloha..." Army sadly smiles, then goes across from the dorm to his.

Everyone was well asleep, except for Aviator of course. "Army, welcome back~" Aviator forced a smile.

"I heard what happened... how are you holding up?" Army yawns, taking off his sweater vest that's part of the school uniform.

"I can't hold it up... actually," Aviator sadly sighs.

"Yeah me neither..." Army changes into comfier clothing.

"What do you mean?"

"White Sailor was shot... but," Army begins. "What if she was the one who murdered both Stitch and Paisley? She knows Russian and she's been off before she died..."

"Huh, kinda funny," Aviator takes off his aviator shades, revealing his purple eyes. "One murderer down, another one active right? They shot White Sailor..."

"Huh, never thought of that..." Army starts to think into these random murders.


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