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"How do you feel today N-Pacer?" The nurse smiles at her yellow patient, swirling in the spinning chair.

"Still couldn't get sleep last night, every time I try going up the stairs I still get horrible leg cramps..." N-Pacer sighs, twiddling with her creamy tan fingers and ranting on.

"Seems your anemia got worse, how about you take the day off? Maybe just take it easy and rest in your dorm and- oh! Take your pills dear!" The nurse hands her the iron pills she was prescribed with. She plants the pills onto her tongue, drinking water to drink it down. "Please rest, and be careful in the halls... we have a power outage after all."

"Thank you nurse," N-Pacer waves as she opens the door, leaving to the dorm hall. N-Pacer shakily holds a lantern walking down the hallway, so she felt this sudden bad feeling was going to happen today. She wanders back to her dorm 207 with her absentminded thoughts.

N-Pacer opens the door to her dorm, making her go wide eyed. One of her roommates Headphones was hung with her bedsheets, and she was already dead! N-Pacer was paralyzed in fear, with frightened tears streaming from her gentle face. "H-Headphones...?!" She stutters, falling to her knees and openly sobs. She hugs herself crying much louder than she thought.

"N-Pacer? You down here?" One of N-Pacer's teammates, Eging Jr., looks down the girl's dorm hall to see the sobbing N-Pacer.

She didn't say anything, but Eging Jr. ran to her. "Pacer?! What's wrong?" He kneels next to N-Pacer, rubbing her back.

"...Head..ph-phones..." was all N-Pacer could say in between her sobbing. Eging Jr looks around, finally seeing the hanging corpse of Headphones dangling from the ceiling.

"Oh my cod..."

Eging Jr quickly closes the door and helps N-Pacer up. "How about we tell the others what you witnessed?"

"Yeah... yeah ok..." N-Pacer sniffles, wiping away tears with her uniform sleeve.

"Alright," Eging Jr side hugs N-Pacer as they walked to English. The teacher wasn't there, nor was a substitute or anyone that's not a student. All eyes were glued to both N-Pacer and Eging Jr as they walked in.

"N-Pacer? What's the matter?" Army looks up from his manual with a concerned look appearing on his creamy white skin.

"H-Headphones... is dead..." N-Pacer chokes between quiet sobs.

"Dead? I'm not buying it," Skull shakes his head at them, turning back to his book.

"Skull, Headphones is literally hanging from the ceiling with sheets wrapped around her neck. I'm pretty sure she's dead," Eging Jr explains to the purple inkling.

"Wait wait, wouldn't you think that maybe Headphones did this to herself?" Forge questions them.

"I know Headphones isn't suicidal..." Specs quietly speaks out.

"You don't know that! You don't know until they go do it dumbass," Forge growls at the blue inklings, then turns back to both N-Pacer and Eging Jr.

"I don't think it was my best friend, but I did hear muffled screaming down by the girl's hallway..." Bobble stutters and frowns.

"...W-When was that..?" N-Pacer sniffles, looking up at Bobble.

"At 10:00... around when me, Specs, and Headphones had foods class," Bobbles explains. "But then again it could of been her... she did get sick after and then ran to the girl's bathroom after eating Spec's hotdogs. That's the last I saw of her."

"You mean the hotdogs we three made?!" Specs snaps at Bobble.

"You mostly made it-"

"It could only make sense if it was her who screamed, but muffled," Eging shrugs.

"Has anyone seen Paisley or Stitch?" Aviator suddenly bursts through the door.

"A-Avi?" Skull looks up at the other purple inkling.

"Yo. Any who, has anyone seen them?" Aviator questions everyone within the classroom.

"No..." N-Pacer nervously grabs her own arm. "Don't they have this class a different time?"

"Yeah I guess... but they aren't in any others either," Aviator sighs.

"Sounds bad..." Skull worryingly croaks. "Help me look for them..." Aviator takes Skull's hand and pulls him out of one of the English classroom.

— — —

Cleaning hour arrived, it taught everyone in the school how to housekeep, which to the principal it was a good skill to learn. And Skull and Aviator still haven't found both Stitch or Paisley.

"Come on Avi, we have to clean... we can find the two later," Skull takes Aviator to the janitor's closet. Aviator sighs, but listens to his friend.

"The hell?!" Aviator suddenly stops in his tracks, seeing a pool of blood coming from the closet. Skull ignores Avi and opens the closet, shutting it immediately.

"What?" Aviator tries to open the door. "I don't think you want to open that..." Skull pulls Aviator away from the door. Aviator leaves Skull's hands and pulls open the door, turning pale in fear. Very deep slit in both Stitch and Paisley's throat, dying their uniforms into a haunting red color with their dried blood. The fear and paralyzation in their shrunken eyes threw off both Aviator and Skull.

Above both corpses on the wall was sloppy writing with their blood, neither Aviator or Skull could make it out.

Skull takes a closer look at the sloppy words, "This is in a different language..."

"Skull... can we please leave..?" Aviator in fear became really impatient to get away.

"Yeah, o-ok..." Skull closes the janitor's closet, hugging the shaking Aviator. "Let's go..."

50 out of 53 remaining...

Reason I republished the first chapter was because I counted wrong lmao...


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