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Army quickly pulls Blue Sailor out of the library before the murderer could harm any of them.

"T-That's the same person!!" Blue Sailor spurts. Army was still silent from the shock when he watched Forge die. The two kept running away from the library, suddenly stopping at a very odd sight. One inkling was carrying the corpses of previous victims, and another inkling dragging a very new and fresh corpse.

"Skull...A-Aloha...? What's g-going on?" Army shakes, catching Aloha and Skull's attention.

"Moving all corpses outside, why?" Aloha bluntly replies.

"Because you two are the murderers...!" Blue Sailor screeches.

"What the fuck... that's not even true," Skull glares.

"Then why are you moving corpses?! Safari was alive and now he's dead! How did he die huh?"

"He died by death...? Anyway we're moving the corpses outside so this school won't stink of rotten corpses, bendan....it reminds too much of home...." Aloha sighs, readjusting himself.

"Nobody cares about your life story—" Blue Sailor then gets cut off.

"Would you like help...?" Armu wondered.

"We got it... xiexie," Aloha sadly smiles. His eyes wandered until he saw the sight of that one bracelet.

"Anyway, we should continue cleaning out the corpses..." Skull reminds them.

"A-Ah yes, zaiji— uh... bye," Aloha stutters, and both him and Skull continue dragging corpses outside.

"Do you really want to look real suspicious with them?!" Blue wondered.

"No, but I understand why they're cleaning, it's nice not to see lifeless people everywhere in our school," Army sighs, walking away. Blue Sailor follows.

"Blue, please I would like to be alone..."

"Army! Don't brush me off like th—"

"I said to leave me alone!" Army snaps, pushing Blue Sailor away. Blue Sailor makes a very sad hurt puppy face. He sulks away, leaving Army alone in the hallway. Army sighs and heads back to his dorm.

— — —

Backwards was hyperventilating after seeing Safari dead blue faced. While Aloha had to drag his dead body outside along side Skull, Diver stayed with Backwards to make sure he was ok.

"Did you witnessed his murder?" Diver rubs his back kneeling next to the frightened inkling.

Gasps and shallow breathing is all Backwards could do, not even a single word slipped from his quivering lips.

"D-Diver? What a-are you doing?" Footsteps coming from Designer Headphones, he walks up to the two.

"Backwards doesn't look settled, I mean from the looks of it, I think he witnessed or heard Safari's death."

"S-Safari is d-d-dead too? h-how?"

"That's the thing, we don't know... there weren't any wounds or marks."
Backwards coughs as he was still having a panic attack. "Alright bud, you need to take deep breaths okay?" Diver sits in front of Backwards.

Backwards nods and starts to take deeper breaths. Desi and Diver stayed with him for a while. "hhhAH.." Backwards breaths out he seemed a bit more calm but still spooked.

"Are you okay now? Can you talk?" Designer Headphones asks softly and caring.

"S-Safari iis dead..." Backwards sniffles.

"Yes, we know that. Do you know how he died?"

"Kind of...?"

"Do you mind telling us? Like how did you found him dead or whatever..."

"Ok... I'll try..." Backwards takes a deep breath, and starts to explain.

Backwards' explanation:

Around 13:15, Backwards was in his dorm with Safari doing their studies even if the staff were gone.

"Hey Fari," Backwards turns to the green inkling.


"Do you know how to solve this question?" Safari then takes a look at his difficult math equation.

"Hmmm, well..." Safari explains to him what to do with the equation and demonstrated for Backwards. To suddenly Safari started to wheeze.

"Fari...? Are you okay?" Backwards was very concerned for his friend.

"Yes... just... an asthma.. attack..." Safari explains in between his wheezes.

"H-How could your asthma be affected by nothing..!? Do you have your inhaler with you?"

"There's been... something going on... with the air lately... I'll go... find my inhaler..." Safari stumbles off of the bed and walks over to the door.

"Would you like he-" But Safari left before Backwards could ask. So he waited, just for Safari.

Backwards took a small nap, only to wake up to distant choking. He didn't pay mind, until he realized Safari wasn't even back yet. That's when the atmosphere changed and something eerie was happening. This made Backwards really uncomfortable and so he stood up.

He wanted to make sure Safari was okay, and the choking sounds weren't from him. Before Backwards could get to the door to leave, he heard footsteps outside, and was hesitant to leave his room. Realizing, everything was silent.

Backwards was really worried and barges out of his dorm. He ran across the hall to get to his dorm number. Dorm 105. He slams the door open... only to see Safari with a blue face. His emerald eyes were rolled back and his mouth was gaped open.

"S-SAFARI?!" Backwards screeches, running to his body. Backwards checked for a pulse, no heat whatsoever. He tried do anything he could to see if Safari would live, but failed. Next to Safari's corpse was his inhaler, Backwards picks it up. It seemed empty, but there was a feeling in Backwards, that he didn't die not from his inhaler.

-Explanation Ends-

"I'm pretty sure Safari wouldn't have died without air, I think he was murdered," Backward sighs.

"It would make perfect sense, you said someone was walking in the halls after the choking sounds stopped—.. maybe he was choked to death..!" Diver understood.

"Y-Yeah... I think so too," Desi agrees.

"Man, these murders are very frequent..."

— Later that Night —

???'s P.O.V.

Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! I might've killed someone innocent, instead of the murderer! I mean Safari couldn't of done it? Or can be... I mean wouldn't it make sense that he killed Gloves? Both of them never liked each other...! But then again, death wasn't Safari's style...

But maybe someone else....
Maybe like... Skull.

Him and Aloha were moving dead bodies outside of the school, and why were they? Maybe because...
Skull really was the murderer and wanted to move the corpses outside because then he knows who to go for next...
But why was aloha with him?

"Halfrim, it's 23:19, go to bed..." Hachi looks at me dead in the eye. "Sorry... just thinking..." I stood up and turned off the light, going back to my bed.

I know it's you Skull...
Wait until I get justice.

38 out of 51 remaining

— — —
Finally updated, yaaay!
I'm back! And I'm here to staaaay
Take care!


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