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Goggles comes running up to Rider weeping his eyes out during study hall hour. "Goggles? Hey, what's wrong?" Rider worryingly asks. Goggles just hugs him without a word. All Rider could do was hug him back softly, pulling him to the corner of the room. "Goggles, please tell me what's wrong." Rider pulls away, making eye contact with the blue squid.

"I had a dream that everyone died... and... I killed you..." Goggles chokes in between sobs.

"Don't worry Goggles, it was just a dream..." Rider pulls him into the hug again.

"B-But Headphones' death was real..." Goggles sobs aloud.

"Let's go take a walk, just take some deep breaths ok?" Rider pulls him out of the room and they walked for a bit.

Goggles sits on a stair step, pulling Rider next to him.

"What's worse... everywhere I look I see something that reminds me of her...." Goggles sniffles, leaning against the yellow-green inkling. All Rider could do was just wipe his tears away and be there for Goggles.

"Maybe after this is over..." Rider grabs Goggles' pale hand. "We can go to the theaters and watch that movie you keep rambling about." Rider's tan lips curve into a sincere smile,

Goggles sniffles. "I would really like that..." he gives Rider a watery smile. Rider kisses his cheek, standing up.

Liquid suddenly was splashed above them, but luckily Goggles got up before it dowsed him.

"What the hell?!" Rider looks up at the stairwell, but there was nobody. "That's weird..."

Full Moon comes down the stairs, suddenly slipping on the liquid and cracking her head open. The liquid seeps into her skull, making this a lot worse with blood mixing with it. Goggles and Rider's face goes pale, leaving Full Moon lifelessly lay on the stairs.

— — —

"I couldn't understand what she said Forge!" Blue Sailor whines in frustration.

"Shit... was she speaking in Russian again?" Forge taps her foot on the ground impatiently.

"Probably... I mean it would make sense if her last words were in Russian..." Blue agreed.

"Try to say what she said to you before her death."

"Ya... lyublyu... teba..?" Blue Sailor says it slowly, also trying to remember what she said.

"Dammit Blue, why are you oblivious..."

"I don't know Russian! How am I suppose to know what she said-"

"Blue Sailor cod dammit she said she loved you!" Forge snaps, making Blue Sailor freeze.

"I...I don't know h-how to feel a-about that..." was the words that's escaped from Blue Sailor's mouth. All he could think about is White Sailor's dead body lying in front of him.

"I remember her always talking about you Blue, she really liked you," Forge speaks softly.

"But... I never liked her back."

"We know that... even she," Forge softly hugs Blue Sailor.

"But why would she like me still..."

"She cared... for all of us, especially you...which reminds me..." Forge grabs something from her dresser; a little light blue pouch. "She was so afraid to give this to you, so she handed it to me to deliver to you."

Blue Sailor takes the pouch, unraveling the strings. He pulls out this dark brown beaded bracelet, with one of the beads having chinese writing on it. "A bracelet?" Blue Sailor examines it thoroughly. The light reflected the tiny specks of orange, and the chinese writing shone gold. "What does this mean?" Blue Sailor shows the writing on the bracelet to Forge.

"I don't know, Chinese is pretty difficult to read," Forge shrugs. Blue Sailor sighs, standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to find out what it means, I'll talk to you later," Blue Sailor leaves to his own dorm.

— — —

"N-No! St-Stop doing this!" Gloves cries, backing away from the hooded person.

"You saw something you were not suppose to see, I can't let a ugly rat like you running around telling people," the hooded person spoke, their glowing eyes open and glared at the green inkling.

"You don't know w-what I've seen! Y-You monster!" Gloves backs away so far, he hits the wall behind him. The person giggles, grabbing Gloves' wrist.

"Get your hands off of me!" Gloves jerks it away, but the hooded person shoved him against the wall harshly, having Gloves black out a little. They pick him up, placing him on the wood splitter inside of the wood shop class.

Gloves wakes up at the roar of the machine. He squirms as the hooded person shoved him towards the blade. Slowly his legs were cut cleanly off of his torso. Gloves makes a blood curling scream, making the hooded person want more. "Yes deary, keep screaming~!" They giggled and shoved him in there faster, dismembering all of his limbs.

"Are you okay? I heard screaming-" Halfrim walks inside as the hooded person stuck Gloves' head on a pole, also gathering the rest of his limbs. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Halfrim snaps and goes after the hooded person; who dropped the limbs and dashed out the door. Halfrim follows angrily.

Halfrim trips in the middle of the commons, not knowing what direction they went. All he could here was their giggles ringing in his ears.

41 out of 53 remaining...

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