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Jimin POV:

"Are... are you sure?" I wanted to faint. I wanted to punch someone. I wanted to scream. Most of all, I wanted to run out of there and get to Y/N. I wanted to pulled her into my arms, kiss her face, and know she was safe.

CEO Park nodded, his face serious. "Yes. We've had the company lawyers take a look at it and so far, there is nothing they can do. The email address that it was sent from is from a fake account."

Unable to stop myself, I stood up, pacing back and forth. I ran a hand through my dark hair, trying to calm myself. Damn it! this isn't good. I have to tell Y/N. The thought of telling my sweet, caring girlfriend that someone wanted to hurt her made me feel sick. Sitting down heavily in the chair, I dropped my head in my hands. "She's... she's going to break up with me. She's going to leave me. This... she didn't sign up for this life. I'm not... not worth this trouble."

A pair of arms pulled me into a hug and I recognized the woodsy scent of our leader. "Stop that. Don't even think like that. Y/N loves you. So damn much it borders on annoying." I snorted at his words, knowing they were said to make me laugh, make me feel better about the whole situation. Namjoon tilted my chin up to look at him. "And don't you ever think that you are not worth it. You are completely worth it, Park Jimin. Do you understand me?"

Nodding my head, I wiped the tears that I hadn't even realized were spilling down my cheeks. "Is she... is Y/N going to leave me?"

This time it was Jungkook who spoke up. "Of course not hyung. She loves you. Like crazy loves you. We've all seen it. Y/N? She's not going to let something like this split you up. So don't worry about it."

"What... what do we need to do?" I directed my question to Manager Sejin. "How do I keep her safe?"

Manager Sejin sighed, the stress of the situation making him appear much older than he was. "For right now, continue on as you are. I would make her away of the situation so she can take measures to be careful. It helps that ARMY does not know her name or what she looks like, so I would keep that hidden for now."

I nodded in agreement. Y/N had said she wasn't yet comfortable with revealing her name or face, something I respected. And at the moment? I was extremely happy that she had made that decision. It was something that was going to keep her safe, keep her away from crazy sasaengs. "Y/N's not ready to reveal herself yet."

"That's good. I'm not going to tell you not to visit her, but I would change the route you take to get to her place, not always use the same one. Make sure you when you go to her place it is from the dorm building since it is a bit more protected. It will help prevent you from being followed." Manager Sejin's suggestions seemed responsible and definitely things I could do, nothing that seemed to be completely unreasonable.

"I would also limit the amount of public dates you have." This suggestion came from CEO Park. "I know it would be nice to be able to take your girlfriend out for dinner, spoil her a little, but you have to be careful."

Although the suggestion was unfortunate, I completely understood it. "We've... we've actually only been on two dates. All the other times, I have gone to her apartment or she has come to the dorm." Sighing, I leaned back in my chair, rubbing a hand over my face. "It's too hard to take her out so we just do dinner and a movie. things like that."

"How does she like that?" Manager Sejin's question was curious and I gave him a small smile.

"Y/N... she tells me that spending time with me is what makes her happy. It doesn't have to be out somewhere. Lately with all the stuff going on for the comeback and the new music video, I usually just go there and end up falling asleep." I couldn't stop the blush that covered my cheeks, swatting at Jungkook's arm when he snickered at me.

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