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I had just sent my kids for their morning break when a vibration from my phone caught my attention.  It was a simple message from my mom, asking only Time to talk?  Curious about the message, I clicked over to her contact and pressed the call button.  She answered almost immediately.  "Y/N?  I swear I am going to kick the ass of that adorably handsome and undeniably sweet but infuriating fiancé of yours."  Although her words were stern, I could hear the amusement behind them so I knew whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad, couldn't be that terrible. 

Laughing out loud, I prepared myself for what was coming, knowing Jimin had to do something crazy for my mom to swear like that.  "Oh god.  What did my Jimin do?" 

My mother huffed and I had to hold back in the laugh.  "Well... I just got off the phone with that beautiful resort the two of you booked for the wedding to make the final payment for the rental.  And do you want to know what they told me?  Hmmm?  Do you?"  Before I could speak, my mother continued.  "They told me that the rental was already paid off and had been paid off since February."

"Are you sure?"  Although Jimin had insisted on paying for the wedding, I couldn't let him do that so between my parents and me, we had secretly made plans to make payments on things so he wouldn't be stuck with the whole thing. 

"Yes.  Along with the flower shop and the bakery.  Your fiancé has paid off everything."  I could tell that she was a little frustrated, the same as I was, because we didn't want Jimin to feel like he had to do any of this.  I didn't want him to think I was only marrying him because of his money, because of what he could do for me.  No.  I was marrying him because I was so completely head over heels in love with him.

Letting out a sigh, I tried to reassure her, not really worried about her reactions because to her, Jimin was perfect.  "I will talk to him tonight."

My mom's voice softened.  "I'm not really mad at him honey.  I promise.  I just... I just don't want him to think he has to pay for all of this."

"I know mom.  That's how I feel."  We talked for a few more minutes then disconnected the call.  I knew Jimin was only trying to make things easier for my parents and me, but I wanted him to know that we would help in anyway we could too.

Laying my head on the desk, I let out a groan of frustration, wondering how to deal with the situation.  "Uh oh.  Problems in paradise?"  A concerned voice had me looking up to see Aera standing at the doorway to my classroom.  Her eyebrows were furrowed in worry and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Nothing crazy.  My mom went to make the final payments for the resort, the bakery, and the flower shop, but it would appear that it was already paid off.  Last month."  Sitting up, I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms.  "Any guesses as to who?"

Aera laughed, coming into the room and sitting on a desk, crossing her legs.  "Let me guess... Jimin?"  I nodded my head and Aera shook her head at me.  "Aww... you can't be too mad at him.  He wants to give you the wedding of your dreams, something beautiful and perfect.  He's... he's just trying to help."

Knowing Aera was right, I let out a sigh.  "I know, but I don't want him to think I'm only with him for his money."

"Are you?"

My mouth dropped open in shock at her question, a flood of agitation rushing over me.  "Of course not!"

Aera waved her hands in surrender.  "I know that and so does Jimin.  You don't have to worry about him thinking you are with him for the money.  You love him.  He knows it, you know it and that's all that should matter."

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