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I studied the letter in the hand of the officer.  I knew Jimin was worried from the way he gripped my hand tightly, but there was something about it that seemed off.  When Jimin explained that he believed there was a letter from an irate fan, I was picturing something different, but this?  It seemed like a letter from a sulky child who had their favorite toy taken away.   I knew I probably shouldn't brush it off the way I was, but at the same time, I wasn't going to let this angry person get in the way of the relationship that Jimin and I had built. 

I had read the comments on social media and most of the adult ARMY was happy for us.  Sure, there was the occasional irritated post telling me to break up with Jimin or begging Jimin to leave me, but those were overshadowed by the supportive messages from everyone else.  #Supportidolrelationships had been trending on social media since the announcement had come out and I knew the majority of fans were okay with me dating their idol.  They were mature enough to know that I wasn't taking him away from them.  I had gotten private messages from followers who had figured it out based on my previous posts and they were words of congratulations, telling me they were happy for me, telling me that I was living their fairy tale life.  The only nasty message I had gotten was from a 13-year-old girl in Texas, but I barely even read it.  Just deleted the message and blocked the user.  Figured it wasn't even worth the time to read it.

"Jimin?  Are you alright?"  I turned to my nervous boyfriend, who was chewing on the side of his fingernail as the officers finished filling out the paperwork. 

Jimin nodded, releasing my hand and pulling me close to his side.  "I'm okay Noona.  It... it just makes me nervous."

The officer returned to Jimin and they had a quick conversation in Korean.  I was still rough at the language, but picked out some words: careful, sasaengs, be alert, and travel safe.  Turning to me, Officer Tan nodded.  "We will take care of it, Ms. Y/N.  Please be alert when not at your residence."

"Yes sir.  Thank you."  I repeated the thanks in Korean, smiling when Jimin squeezed me tighter. 

Both officers bid us goodbye and left the lobby, bringing the flowers and letter with them.  Jimin watched them for a minute until I tugged his hand. "Come on baby.  Let's go.  We have to finish packing for tomorrow."

Jimin seemed distracted, but nodded and turned towards me.  "Okay Noona.  Let's go home." 

The elevator ride up to the apartment was silent and I could tell Jimin was lost in thought.  He kept squeezing my hand, almost as though he was trying to reassure himself that I was still there, still by his side.  When we got into the apartment, we slipped off our shoes and went back into the kitchen.  Jimin leaned against the counter as I pulled our lunch out of the refrigerator.  "Baby?  It's going to be okay.  That letter?  It doesn't worry me."

"But why?  Whoever wrote it sounded angry, angry about us, about me being with you."  Jimin's voice was worried and I could see the insecurities back in his face. 

"Okay?  We knew that was going to happen.  We knew there were going to be fans that didn't like us being together, didn't like me taking Korea's It Boy off the market."  Jimin laughed as I spoke and I shrugged.  "It's going to be okay."

Jimin pulled me close, his arms wrapping around my waist and his forehead resting against mine.  "You really are not worried."  His words came out as more statement then question and I shrugged again.

"Not really, no.  Is it a little concerning that someone would send black roses?  Sure, but I feel safe with you.  I would be more worried if they were coming after you."  Jimin went to protest, but I touched my fingers to his lips.  "No.  Listen to me baby.  People will get over this.  They will.  Once this person, whoever it is, realizes that the threats are not going to scare me, they are going to move on."

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