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"Wow! This... this is beautiful!" We had landed in California a couple of hours ago and the guys' management checked us into a stunning rental home in Hermosa Beach. It was a beautiful house that overlooked the Pacific Ocean and was just a few steps from the beach. It was a short ride to both Sofi Stadium, the place where the concerts would be and Microsoft Theater, the place where the American Music Awards were going to be. It was unlike anything I had ever seen and I was so fortunate to be here with Jimin and the rest of guys. When I had asked Jimin about the house, he mentioned that sometimes they preferred rental homes to hotels since the homes afforded them the privacy they needed, the privacy they didn't get with a hotel.

The plane ride across the ocean had gone quicker than I had expected. I had never flown on a private plane before and the experience had been amazing. It was so different than flying on a regular plane and I enjoyed the experience immensely. The guys laughed when Jimin spent a good portion of the flight asleep, cuddled next to my side. It made me feel good to know that he was so willing to show me affection in front of his members.

"Come on Noona. Let's go choose a room." Jimin grabbed my hand and went to tug me up the stairs, but I pulled him back.

"What about the other guys baby? Don't they want first dibs?" I didn't want any of them to feel like I was intruding on their space, on their normal way of doing things.

Yoongi shook his head. "No. Go with Jiminie. There are couple of bedrooms with bathrooms. Very private. Very far from us." Yoongi winked at me and I couldn't help the blush that colored my cheeks.

Jimin smirked at him, a look I was not used to seeing on his beautiful face. He muttered something in Korean about us not being loud and I wanted to crawl under the rug and hide there for the rest of the trip. Turning to me, Jimin grinned and tugged on my hand again. "See? Hyungs say we choose so let's choose."

Namjoon and Jin both gave me encouraging smiles and with only a bit of hesitation, I followed Jimin out of the room and up the grand sweeping staircase. I could several short hallways with beautiful bedrooms, but Jimin continued on down the hallway until he got to a set of double doors. He opened them both in a dramatic gesture, the move reminding me of something that would be in a Disney movie. Jimin motioned for me to enter and I stepped into the room.

Just like the first time I entered Jimin's apartment, my mouth dropped open in surprise. If Jimin had behaved like a Disney prince then this was the perfect bedroom from that same movie. It had plush carpeting that felt like a cloud and a huge four-poster bed that sat up on a raised dais. The beautiful French doors led out to a decent side balcony that overlooked the sparkling blue water of the Pacific Ocean. Over the breaking water, I could see the sun begin to set and the view itself was so romantic, I was almost drawn to tears.

"Do... do you like it?" Jimin's voice was nervous and when I turned, her was chewing on the side of his finger. "Hyungs and I look at photos during practice. They show me this bedroom and say to me that we take it."

My heart fluttered knowing this was planned and I couldn't help but launch myself into Jimin's arms, planting kisses all over his face. "It's perfect and beautiful and I love it and I love you."

As he pressed his lips to mine, I could feel his smile, but it didn't stop him. He stroked his tongue over my lips then slipped his tongue in my mouth, drawing me into a deep kiss that made me shiver, that sent a feeling of ecstasy through me all the way down to my toes. I had kissed Jimin countless times, but his kisses never failed to make me feel as though I was floating, as though I was flying. It was a feeling I never wanted to let go of.

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