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Jimin POV:

Three weeks. It had been three weeks since the incident with Mi-suk and I couldn't help but worry about her every time she left the house to go to work. I knew I was acting like a panicked fiancé but I couldn't help it. Every time she was out of my sight, I would hear the replay of CEO Park's voice telling me that the love of my life had gone missing. The company had suggested I try therapy that it might be helpful for both of us, but when I met with the company therapist, I just couldn't open up about it.

Y/N had suggested I talk to Namjoon about it and when I thought about it, it made perfect sense. Namjoon had been there from the beginning, knew the relationship between Y/N and myself. He had been one of the first people I told outside of Taehyung and I trusted his opinion, his judgment. He had gotten us this far and when I thought of people I could confide in, he was always one of the first ones to come to mind. I knew he was busy since we were getting ready to prepare for our comeback, but I hoped he would be able to give me some time.

Dance practices had not yet resumed since the choreographer was still working out some kinks on a couple of songs and I hated to admit I was happy about it. I loved dancing and loved being on the stage, but I was glad for the extended break. It always looked so flawless in the videos and on the stage, but the hours of strenuous activity were hard on our bodies. We often went home with aching muscles and burning pains in our legs and feet from the amount of hours we spent on them.

We were just leaving the last meeting of the day, released a little earlier than expected due to CEO Park being called out to handle an issue with one of the groups getting ready to debut soon. Although I would have loved to rush home to Y/N and make sure she was safe, event though she texted me twenty minutes ago to let me know she was home, I was still worried, still on edge. It was why I needed to talk to Namjoon, to see if he could help me get past the insanity I was always feeling, the worry that wouldn't stop creeping through my mind.

The man I was looking for was walking right ahead of me and I hurried through the group to tap his shoulder. Namjoon turned with a smile on his face. "Hey Jimin-ah."

Hesitating, I sank my teeth into my bottom lip. "Um... do you... do you have a minute hyung?"

Namjoon looked worried for a second before he nodded and slung an arm around my shoulders. "Sure. Let's go in the practice room."

I nodded and followed him towards our practice room, thankful he chose this location since it would be empty. The last thing I needed or wanted was somewhere overhearing me freaking out about everything going on with Y/N and insisting I talk to the therapist. We walked into the room and when he sat down against the mirror, I sank down next to him, crossing my legs and resting my elbows on my knees. I was quiet for a moment, but I knew Namjoon would give me the time I needed to get my thoughts together, get my words in order.

Turning to Namjoon, I took a deep breath and began. "I... I know it's been three weeks since the kidnapping with Y/N, but... I can't seem to get it out of my mind. I'm constantly texting her to check up on her and when... when she's not with me, I worry. I feel like I'm losing my mind and that I'm being overprotective. Sometimes I feel like I'm being... too much and I don't want to push her away. If I text her and she doesn't get back to me right away, I start to worry that things are happening again. That another sasaeng has gotten to her. What do I do?"

Now that my fears were being released, it was like a flood. There was no way I could stop them even though I know I sounded like a crazy person. I was helpless to stop the tears that started rolling down my cheeks, ones that left hot salty trails and made me feel as though I were overreacting, as though I were worrying too much. I was almost afraid to look at Namjoon, worried that he was going to think I was being overdramatic, that there was really nothing to worry about, but I couldn't help it, couldn't push it aside no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I had tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, that no one was going to take the one love of my life away from me again.

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