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Staring up at the girl in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a rush of anger wash over me, followed by fear. "What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?"

The girl gave me a sweet smile, but her eyes were filled with hatred, something that stunned me. "Because you are dating Park Jimin. What other reason do I need? Park Jimin is not for someone to date. He belongs to ARMY. He is ours and you took him away from us."

"Are you even listening to yourself? He's a human being, not an object. He doesn't belong to me or anyone else." Although I knew I was taking a chance by speaking back to her, her words made me sick.  Was this really how the sasaengs acted? Were there really people out there who believed that idols belonged to them?

"Well I'm going to make sure that he definitely doesn't belong to you any longer." Tightening the zip ties around my wrists, the girl patted the top of my head as though I were a dog before she left the room.

As I say there in the chair, I tried to think how everything had gone so wrong so quickly.


"Area? Do you want anything from the coffee shop?" I poked my head into the classroom of my friend, a smile on my face. Not really in the mood for lunch, I had made the decision to just grab a coffee and a pastry, something to keep me going until I could get home to Jimin.

Area looked up at me and nodded.  "Sure. Want to grab me an iced Americano?"

I shuddered in response. "Yuck. I don't know how both you and Yoongi can drink that."

Laughing, Aera shrugged.  "I don't know.  I just do."  She went to pull out her wallet, but I just waved a hand at her.

"Don't worry.  I got you."  Aera grinned at my words and I left the classroom, heading out of the school and down the street to the coffee shop.  It was a short walk and the weather, although cold in January was bearable enough.

I had just passed a bookstore when a familiar face called my name, one I hadn't seen since I moved out of my apartment and into Jimin's.  "Y/N?  It is you, right?"  Mi-suk had a bright smile on her face as she approached me and I grinned back.

"Mi-suk?  How are you?"  Although the girl made me uncomfortable, I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm good.  What are you doing out here?"

I pointed to the coffee shop a few yards away.  "Getting coffee for a coworker and me so I've got to run, but it was good to see you again."

Mi-suk smiled.  "I'm going the same place.  I'll walk with you.  We can catch up."

Not wanting to appear rude, I nodded. "Sounds good."

"I haven't seen you at the apartment lately.  Do you still live there?"  Mi-suk's question came out of nowhere, but when I looked over at her, there was only curiosity in her eyes.

"Um... actually no.  I moved out and in... in with a friend."  I didn't want to say my boyfriend (well fiancé actually) because I didn't need her asking questions, questions that I wouldn't know how to answer.

Mi-suk nodded in understanding.  "Got it."

Pulling open the door to the coffee shop, I gestured for her to go in.  I followed in behind her and walked up to the counter.  After she placed her order, I ordered my vanilla latte and Aera's iced Americano, paying for both drinks.  We stood at the end of the counter, waiting for our drinks and I looked around the coffee shop, trying to distract myself from the uneasy feeling I got around the girl standing next to me.

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